Search results

  1. Raslin

    #SOLD IPV D2 75w, LG HG2, Hastur RDA, Aromamizer 6ml, Moradin etc........

    Hope you enjoy it @Sprint. If you want we can meet again to give the drip tip.
  2. Raslin

    What TV Shows Do You Watch?

    Thanks. Watching you're the worst - best show ever
  3. Raslin

    Hardware family a.t.m.

    My small squonker family now that the herd has been culled. These are in use everyday.
  4. Raslin

    Bundle Deal (SOLD)

    :seenoevil::seenoevil: the man just said no splitting....
  5. Raslin

    BF Rouges

    Item wanted: BF rogues in good condition Price Preference: R150 - R200 Condition: good condition with decent o-rings Age of the item: does not matter. Location of item: Delivery/Collection: Reason: Picture here:
  6. Raslin

    Dripbox spare bottles

    Vaperite has spare bottles in stock, just received my order. Thanks guys.
  7. Raslin


    Good question, I would not buy another sqounker if the vendor does not have a supply of spares for it.
  8. Raslin

    Alien Wire or not

    Did you try to get a refund or are you going to live with it?
  9. Raslin

    Kangertech drip box mod. Opinions needed.

    Sqounker for the win, love my drip boxes and Reo's.
  10. Raslin

    18650 Battery Needed
  11. Raslin

    REO Mini LP - Wanted - Reward Offered

    Have a mini that is not being used, copper vein LP with a brass SL door. Pm me if you intrested.
  12. Raslin

    Squonker, Diy Flavour chaser.

    Squonker, Diy Flavour chaser.
  13. Raslin

    BF rda's

    Look good, have you ordered from them before? If so what are the delivery times like?
  14. Raslin

    What TV Shows Do You Watch?

    Which sites do you guys use now that kick ass is no longer?
  15. Raslin

    Kangertech dripbox 60w

    You can get a new one without a battery for that price.
  16. Raslin

    BF rda's

    Here we go again. Luckily my rouges work on the drip box.
  17. Raslin

    Dripbox spare bottles

    So I popped into the clearwater kiosk today. Asked for 10 bottles, the lady behind the counter did a double take. Then proceeded to start take bottles out of new kits. They had not received stock yet. I settled on 4 for now. A very happy customer. Thank you Evolution Vapes.
  18. Raslin

    BF Cyclone AFC/cyclops with base

    I have a one. The normal mtl cap is silver, never been used and a Black AFC cap. Perfect condition with a Chaplin drip tip. Make me a reasonable offer and we can talk.