I would not even consider trying or testing this idea. Teflon & high heat are toxic. Wire is still by far the cheapest part of vaping for me and am more than happy to dry burn them clean or just build new coils ...
As @Gazzacpt said getting a tobacco without the chemicals is a win. I found a place selling organic and untreated tobacco. The extraction worked well. I soaked the tobacco in PG in a glass jar with lid for a month. All was amazing except the tobacco's flavour wasn't to my taste.
Thanks man. Before I assemble chimney I soak all the wick & coil with juice. I pulse for a few seconds, drip more onto coils, pulse again ... repeat a few more times. That way reduces the time I taste the cotton. So I vape straight away.
Just fill those thick/deep juice channels with cotton & right to the bottom. You mustn't cut off a taper ... use all the cotton. Are those 3mm ID coils? That's what I use.