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  1. Beserker786

    Is vaping bad for you?

    I believe that everything has some sort of issue, like too much salt is bad for you, too much sugar is bad for you, too much meat and the list can go on and on, though, for what vaping is worth, the "bad" part about vaping seem to be in the realm of negligible for our lifespans, and as such a...
  2. Beserker786

    Which tools to avoid being a tool?

    well, as a minimum, you will need: a resistance checker (like the geekvape 521 tab) a flush cut pliers (or you can use a nail clipper) Ceramic tweezers / thin long nose with insulated handles mandrel for coiling (you may also use the screwdriver shafts, if you know what diameter they are ...
  3. Beserker786

    What did you Mix today?

    @Asterix Perhaps try Camp Tigerclaw by concrete river and add some ice to it. Its a Green Apple hard Candy profile.
  4. Beserker786

    The Official Happy Birthday Thread

    @MrDeedz @tony_he
  5. Beserker786

    The Official Happy Birthday Thread

    Thanks! I love the picture! quick story, I actually got that handle from the manga Beserk The suit he wears is called the beserker armour, and he transforms into it. Its a bit of a disturbing manga, but I somewhat liked it, and it kinda stayed with...
  6. Beserker786

    The Official Happy Birthday Thread

    Wohoooo! Thanks guys!!! It means a lot!
  7. Beserker786

    Modifying recipes.

    I personally do not mix for making money, and I do so to make it to my preference. When I share a recipe, its because I want to get an opinion. If I use someone's recipe, id say so, and explain the personal changes id make to suit my needs. That's the point of it being DIY. I don't think we need...
  8. Beserker786

    What did you Mix today?

    Hi Well, prickly victory is the same as standard The TLM is Cap tangerine at 4%, cap lychee 4%, raw lychee 1%, Malaysian lychee 0.5%, tfa menthol 1%, SLI: strawberry sweet 3%, strawberry ripe 3%, cly strawberry 1%, cap sweet lychee 3%, raw lychee 2%, cap sweet cream 1%, clyrocool 0.75%...
  9. Beserker786

    What did you Mix today?

    Mixed up some Tangerine, litchi Menthol. The menthol sits nice above the citrusy tangerine! Fantasy grape with litchi and menthol, it tastes well and those two seem suited for each other. POG with ice! Reminds me of tropica! Prickly victory can never be complete without it. Mango freeze ...
  10. Beserker786

    The Matchy-Matchy Thread

    This may be sacrilege to some, but suits my needs, and works everyday
  11. Beserker786

    Shelf Clean up 1

    Is the smok alien mod on sale still?
  12. Beserker786

    Input please

    I think you’re overlooking some important information. When you’re seeking Flavour, you don’t necessarily need dual coils. I have a drop and have since changed to single coil 3mm ID and 6 wraps to get about 0.34 ohms and running it at around 50-55watts is the best Flavour feedback I get from the...
  13. Beserker786


    I feel like im never on the same bus as everyone, but JCVD! haha, anyway, im on my second bag of cotton (CB) since a year, and when the flavor goes down, I sweat, and rewick, bam, all is good. Ill try JCVD's method of splitting and fluffing for wicking, and maybe ill also have better flavor...
  14. Beserker786

    What did you Mix today?

    I've mixed the red pill one shot as well and i'm not really a menthol fan, I presumed because I wasn't smoking stinkies, but rather was a hubbly smoker, which is where I get my strong flavor preference from. Anyway, I can appreciate what there is to like as it is very smooth and complex, though...
  15. Beserker786

    What did you Mix today?

    Mixed some red pill magic thanks @Flavour world Sa , let’s see how this goes.
  16. Beserker786

    Rate, Improve and comment - My planned berry blend

    Seems to me that your total percentage is 16.7%. INW flavours are very strong, and seems too high. Did u perhaps test or read Flavour notes for those flavours? It’ll help you get a feel for the weighting and how they’re adding to your recipe. All the best
  17. Beserker786

    Legalise Vaping Australia (LVA)

    is a bit of a stretch for reasonable regulation here as you’re not sure how the the government would tax and hence induce graft in this market, that usually puts me off
  18. Beserker786

    DIY Menthol/Mint Recipes

    Hi Guys Ive been doing some reading, and the Morpheus V2 recipe caught my attention. The description, of menthol, litchi, elderflower and mixed berries and a bit juicy. So the recipe attempt used elderberry, which id say is different from elderflower, as the elder flower is described as "It...
  19. Beserker786

    Sub ohm

    If you use the analogy of thinking about the wires like pipes with water with them, you may understand better. The thinner the wire, the more resistance to flow/current. The longer the wire (bigger wraps means longer wire) the higher the resistance as well.short, fat wire offer less resistance...
  20. Beserker786

    I don't get it? HE gear.

    "beauty is in the eye of the beholder" I can understand people prefer certain HE products, even if I cannot "the value of art is in the observer" I can understand value isn't always directly observable "let them eat cake" I also understand that paying extra for something that can be done cheaper...