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  1. Beserker786

    More discussion on clones

    So I got a clone when I started only because I didn’t want to pay and I wasn’t aware there were clones, and a week later got a cheap authentic kit to make up. But I prefer watching the budget and don’t necessarily buy expensive stuff, only what I feel I want. In vaping, I feel authenticity has a...
  2. Beserker786 do you steep your miXes...???

    for testing juices I saw a video by DIYorDIE where he tests recipes as SnV, and takes notes and test for upto 7 days to decide if its good or not.
  3. Beserker786

    Win Hcigar Akso, There 8 Flavors Wait for Your Experience

    Thanks @Heaven Gifts ! my first time winning something! yay!
  4. Beserker786

    What did you Mix today?

    Like your bottle! Haha, I frequently recycle the nice glass and those nasty juice bottles!!
  5. Beserker786

    Huge Juice & DIY Comp + Participation Discount!

    #1 1)I love the colours easy to read and go through. 2)I feel it’s time consuming scrolling through a list to choose flavours, a list with checkboxes option would make sorting and choosing easy! Thanks for the comp! @DieSwartKat @Vape addict
  6. Beserker786

    Bold versus Subtle flavour - which do you prefer?

    So I transitioned from smoking hubbly to vaping, and I was used to the intense dense Flavour I got from hubbly. I transitioned to vaping with knowing that it’s also possible, so in search of Flavour, I always prefer the intense Flavour which satisfies me more than nic. Agreed vapors toungue is a...
  7. Beserker786

    Bumpedy Bump - Vape Mail!

    Vapemail! Thanks @Flavour world Sa Black Friday special, ready to mix now! Can’t wait
  8. Beserker786

    Rda help

    I got the digiflavour drop, its a great deal for an RDA, superior taste, and flexible, double, or single coil etc.
  9. Beserker786

    DIY Swop Meet - Concentrates

    I’m in if it’s in jhb/Sandton etc
  10. Beserker786

    Need help to win a pod vape

    Thanks! Here’s the link
  11. Beserker786

    TVC - The Vaping Channel

  12. Beserker786

    Coolants and Menthols

    Yup, menthol has that minty taste AND cooling.
  13. Beserker786

    Need help to win a pod vape

    Hi guys, I wanted to ask, how do I ask for help to win a pod system on Instagram? Need likes on my hand check, don’t know where to ask , please delete if I’m not allowed or move if another thread. Thanks