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  1. Sweets

    Explanation on how VV mods work

    Hi there.. Can we get a full explanation on how VV mods work and how to use them safely ( if thats even a thing). Stuff like the tesla invader, hexohm etc. What to do and what not to do. I have no experience with these as i have only been on mech tubes. Thank you.
  2. Sweets

    VGOD Pro Mech Paint Stripping/Removal

    Paint stripper can get it at any hardware store. Paint it on and leave it. It will start to bubble/scale. After this, simply wipe off.
  3. Sweets

    Courier guy Delivery times

    Yes i saw the vapemail thread where some of the guys had orders come from the same location and date as mine. They got their stuff this morning. ( nothing to do with this) after i had a heated discussion with Afrivape regarding their maintenance on stock availability on the website they sent my...
  4. Sweets

    Courier guy Delivery times

    Thanx pal. Dis nie jou skuld nie. Maar dankie.
  5. Sweets

    Courier guy Delivery times

    The delayed package is juice from @ivc_mixer the other 2 packages are running smoothly. I have enough juice left over since my last purchase so ill give it today still. Tomorrow ill spit fire.
  6. Sweets

    All Tanks and Coils Taste burnt?

    If ur using tanks and not rdas try a different mixture. 80/20 is more for drippers. 70/30 or 60/40 wil work better in a tank and get sucked into the cotton faster and more easily hence the thinner mixture. High vg is for drippers in my experience 70/30 should be fine. If u have a tank where you...
  7. Sweets

    Pulse AIO Kit - Vandyvape

    The poor mans BB.
  8. Sweets

    Dvarw RTA DL from KHW Mods in Hungary

    :monoloco: bionic
  9. Sweets

    Need some help choosing an RDA

    COPPER GOON to go with the engraved text. Then contact BVC for a custom 810 black and copper mixture.
  10. Sweets

    Introduce Yourselves:

    See that house...? Yea, i left a mech in there under the couch with a stuck button with a 0.10 build on a 10A Try me.
  11. Sweets

    Cape Town - month end meets

    Im just waiting on the new monthly roster. Will rsvp then.
  12. Sweets

    Cape Town - month end meets

    I second beer house.
  13. Sweets

    What Are You Waiting For?

    Mine is stuck on collect hub for 3 working days. Love it.
  14. Sweets

    Courier guy Delivery times

    Mine was on Thursday... Still nothing. Haven't even started the departure to CT. Makes me want to bend a fork.
  15. Sweets

    Courier guy Delivery times

    Me 2 mate, been waiting since Thursday for an update. Got the first update on Monday. Waiting on 3 packages. Today is wensday, still nothing. I will be putting up my personal experience with afrivape. It was my first time to purchase from them and the last aswell. Not very friendly and to add to...
  16. Sweets

    What Are You Waiting For?

  17. Sweets

    Bumpedy Bump - Vape Mail!

    This is solid. I think the priest and butcher caps should fit. ( check if you have em)
  18. Sweets

    The U-Mods Unific AIO!

    That thing looks bionic. Some AI vape sir.
  19. Sweets


    Was a fun thought... However, not impossible. Lets see what the future holds.