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  1. Huffapuff


  2. Huffapuff


  3. Huffapuff

    Avengers 4

    Apparently Iron Man was created as a challenge by Stan Lee. He gave himself a dare to create a hero that nobody would like and then force people to like him.
  4. Huffapuff


  5. Huffapuff

    Want to get a new squonker

    It's a medium sized mod: I've adopted a reverse squonk method with it. I use the ring finger of my right hand to press the bottle. Because the bottle is so soft and the tiniest amount of pressure is needed to squonk it actually works quite well:
  6. Huffapuff

    Want to get a new squonker

    I feel you need to love Dotmod to really appreciate the dotsquonk as it has irritations. It's a left-handed squonker - not a big problem, but... different. It's not the most comfortable mod to hold because the edges are quite sharp and dig into my hand when I fire it. It only fits 22mm...
  7. Huffapuff

    Pulse Dual Kit

    I don't think you'll be disappointed - the extra 750mah from the golisi battery I'm using makes a big difference. Vaping around 0.4 ohms at 35w I easily get through 16ml+ before having to change batteries. Maybe the chip is really frugal too, I don't know, but it just lasts :smiley:
  8. Huffapuff

    Sxk flavour atty

    @clydern I've got an SXK KRMA I'm not using... (I bought the original :wasntme:)
  9. Huffapuff

    More discussion on clones

    Just a question: how many HE manufacturers have gone out of business because of clones? As far as I've seen they sell all of their product pretty smartly. In fact it gets to the point where you can't buy the original and are left with the only options of buying the clone or trawling the...
  10. Huffapuff

    Lost Vape Drone DNA 250C

    In parallel you say?! Now I'm interested :smiley:
  11. Huffapuff

    Flavour Monks Samples

    Y'know you don't have to fill the bottle all the way up :wink:
  12. Huffapuff

    Dovpo Topside or Vandyvape Pulse X?

    Yes, but that kinda defeats the point of the top fill mod no? :tongueclosed:
  13. Huffapuff

    Dovpo Topside or Vandyvape Pulse X?

    I also struggled to make the decision on which of these two to buy. The top side's fill method is intriguing, but as I change flavours every time I didn't think rinsing the whole mod out was going to be that great. With a bottle it's quick and easy. In the end I went with the...
  14. Huffapuff

    Pulse Dual Kit

    Until a dual battery squonker that uses its batteries in parallel comes along I'll stick to my 21700s. These current dual battery squonkers don't offer enough extended battery life to make the inconvenience of their size worthwhile. Thats being said, I've been really impressed with the pulse x...
  15. Huffapuff

    21700 or 20700 squonker

    I'm not sure such a unicorn exists, but I could be wrong.
  16. Huffapuff

    Dirty Lol's Thread

  17. Huffapuff

    BLCK Friday @ BLCK

    R2 for 500ml!! You might as well give it away @Richio :p
  18. Huffapuff

    Best DIY Recipes 2018

    I've got others, but seeing as I just finished mixing another 50mls of this I'll post it here: Strawberry Crunch Custard Delicious textured vape blending Custard and cookies with a sweet strawberry syrup. I'm no fan of strawberry vapes, but this one is an exception for me. I've been working...