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  1. Taytay

    DIY Menthol/Mint Recipes

    WHOA! That's too much menthol for me, that will make your boogers freeze over! I forgot to mention that when I made the Musk Beechies I swopped out the Menthol for Polar Blast, so I don't really really know how the original tastes - but I can't be far off since everything else is the same and I...
  2. Taytay

    DIY Menthol/Mint Recipes

    I thought it would need a good long steep but actually really happy with it immediately - I always test a bit immediately and ended up finishing a whole tank
  3. Taytay

    The Month of LOVE! - The Flavour Mill

    Btw, also loving the new labels! They look and feel very durable
  4. Taytay

    New Monster!!!

    I was lucky enough to have had a sneak peak at this... Cannot wait for it to become available for sale, it is truly delicious and tastes spot on like jelly.
  5. Taytay

    DIY Menthol/Mint Recipes

    I made some of this earlier tonight and it's a winner for me, love me some musk beechies mmmmmmm. Thanks for sharing :-)
  6. Taytay

    Poll - Browser versus Tapatalk

    Browser on my phone almost exclusively. Tried Tapatalk but there was something that irritated me... For the life of me, can't remember what it was though :couch:
  7. Taytay

    You Know You're A Vaper When...

    You're standing in the queue at the pharmacy and your husband points out that these nail clippers (second) would be great for building coils. In fact, those little scissors are perfect for wick trimming and oh my, now I want the tweezers too ;-)
  8. Taytay

    Bumpedy Bump - Vape Mail!

    My first dripper :party: on the right is my trusty pico/serpent combo and on the left the new pink pico and sapor v2 that arrived today
  9. Taytay

    Let's stir a little ;-)

    You know, I watched that movie ages ago and it stuck with me, like you said... It won't win any oscars... But I think of the movie every time I cannot grasp why someone would do something that is clearly silly
  10. Taytay

    Bumpedy Bump - Vape Mail!

    :monoloco: that second label must be removed
  11. Taytay

    New Wiener Logo!

    Just had another thought. That logo is clean cut enough to go really nicely on a vape band me thinks...
  12. Taytay

    New Wiener Logo!

    Totally. Would pay good money for that!
  13. Taytay

    Taste - the ever changing flavour of it all

    May I ask what recipe you use? I found 3,all slightly different
  14. Taytay

    New Wiener Logo!

    I just realized that it would look so good embroidered on a black cap. Very good logo indeed
  15. Taytay

    New Wiener Logo!

    I NEED a shirt with that awesome new logo too! :aplastao:LOVE IT!
  16. Taytay

    Taste - the ever changing flavour of it all

    Like you can talk... Thanks to you, I have already added Mr Peanut Butter to my list of recipes for monthend... And monthend is still many moons away
  17. Taytay

    Taste - the ever changing flavour of it all

    Well said! Basically exactly the reason I have taken up DIY recently... Today I can't get enough creamy, sweet vanilla custard but tomorrow it makes me nauseous after two pulls, then I can't get enough fruits, then bakery, back to fruits... Suddenly I feel for vanilla custard again. And round...
  18. Taytay

    Recommendations PLEASEEEE!!!

    It does ;-) my one big issue with my twisps (and I had all of the models from the solo to the edge and then the aero) was that the coils constantly felt to me like they were burnt. I now think that the high nicotine level could have also contributed to that since I have realized that I can...
  19. Taytay

    ***NEW STOCK*** - SIR VAPE

    Oh Noooooooooo! Those are so beautiful. I really really want one (my precious I would call it). But hubby wouldn't even divorce me, he would kill me and bury me in a shallow grave :couch: