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  1. R

    Pod systems as good as cue

    So I narrowed it down to the breeze 2 or Nautilus AIO Now just need to know which one will be best ? Anybody have any experience with the 2?
  2. R

    Pod systems as good as cue

    Just looked at the nautilus aio,also looks like a good device,,now I am torn between the breeze 2 and the nautilus
  3. R

    Pod systems as good as cue

    Does the gusto mini only have nic salts pods,or do they have normal pods as well And anyone have any input on the breeze 2?
  4. R

    Pod systems as good as cue

    So infinix draw is as tight as cue?the draw I mean
  5. R

    Pod systems as good as cue

    For pod systems like infinix
  6. R

    Pod systems as good as cue

    I don’t wanna spend to much,so mayb the infinix seems like a good deal, It’s 300 at Vap shop,, When it comes to juice should it always be 50/50?
  7. R

    Pod systems as good as cue

    How’s the throat hit on this one,,I need something that would feel like a cigg since I am trying to kick them
  8. R

    Pod systems as good as cue

    Thx for all the replies I am leaning towards the infinix ,,looks like the cue,,just wondering which juices will work in them,,should I use 50/50 or can I go higher on the vg? Not to sure about nic salts,,never used them before
  9. R

    Pod systems as good as cue

    Hey guys, On and off cigs and vape,,but really wanna get off the cigs,,so far the cue for me is the closet feel to cigs, but want to get different Flavours. I see the three different pos systems out there and not to expensive,, Looking for one where the draw would be equal to cue and also not...
  10. R

    New to vaping

    Lol now i am stuck says i should prime the coil but got no idea where to drop the juice on the coil any help?
  11. R

    New to vaping

    Well did not get any juice cz well there are are crazy amount of them out there..i busy of mine gave me some rocket sheep torus i think..6mg..will try it out and let you all know
  12. R

    New to vaping

    So i went for super excited to get home and try it out..
  13. R

    New to vaping

  14. R

    New to vaping

    Hey thx for all the advise ,leaning towards the joytech aio,,all you tube videos says its good for mtl ,,but the coils it comes with are 0,6 and most of vendors only sell the 0,5 ..would those be good for mtl hits?
  15. R

    New to vaping

    And which juice would you recommend
  16. R

    New to vaping

    Ok thx for the reply.. I found it for 500 at vap now just to decide if it is the device for me..will do some more research
  17. R

    New to vaping

    Hey been looking at the joytech aoi..seems like a easy simple device..has anyone on the forum used it?
  18. R

    New to vaping

    Hey thx for the good reply..the joytech aio sounds good.. What i have read about is mtl and lung hits..and mtl is good for ex smokers.. Would this device be good for that
  19. R

    New to vaping

    Hey thx for all the replies...but still intrested in the pen style devices.. Just saw a kit called ijust start plus..any one have advise on that?
  20. R

    New to vaping

    Hey ..would that be similar to the ego one?