Search results

  1. MIKE6236

    24ga KA1 parallel build

    Hi. Can't find something recent and don't want to revive a thread from 1999. I impulsively bought a roll of 24ga KA1. Thinking I'm just gonna throw a few wraps, stick it on a mech and enjoy. Got home and ripped out an online coil calculator. Nope. Apparently it was not going to work with...
  2. MIKE6236

    Have I got a deal for you! Bookmark this thread!

    Shut up and take my money!
  3. MIKE6236

    Bumpedy Bump - Vape Mail!

    Vape mail! Just a little late post. Thanks to @Paul33 for keeping this baby for me. ;) Received on monday moring and ran straight to the vape shop for a battery even before opening the package. Thanks for the complimentary juices! Been vaping this requiem kit every time the battery is...
  4. MIKE6236

    Dovpo Bloto R600 including shipping?

    Got 1 for him at downtown. Thank you
  5. MIKE6236

    Dovpo Bloto R600 including shipping?

    Saw that one. Highly doubt that the shipping will be R20:-D. Thanks @DarthBranMuffin. I'm just doing him a favor, if im not able to find one he will have to wait.
  6. MIKE6236

    Dovpo Bloto R600 including shipping?

    Good evening fellow South Af... Sorry... Wrong greeting. Good day fellow vapers. I'm looking for a BRAND NEW(sealed box) black or green DOVPO BLOTTO RTA. It's for a friend and he only has R600 or his better half will kill him. Is there any shop that has a special that could make this...
  7. MIKE6236

    Stuff that happened to you that doesnt deserve a thread

    Right before it crashed! :-D
  8. MIKE6236

    What did you Mix today?

    Just a quick 40min session. Vaping like a king this month... :rock:
  9. MIKE6236

    Bumpedy Bump - Vape Mail!

    Thank you BLCK [ @Nick Black ] for the excellent service once again. Quality products at a great price. Vape mail that can never arrive fast enough. But always worth the wait.
  10. MIKE6236

    SOLD Requiem squonk kit

    I think you can mark this sucker as SOLD!;-) :FADDANCING::YOUTHEMAN:
  11. MIKE6236

    Hellvape Dead Rabbit R Tank!

    Drooling over here. Coil up, wick up, let us know! We are not patiently waiting, might start a mob or something!
  12. MIKE6236

    Please could you go vote?

    Good luck.
  13. MIKE6236

    Juicy vape

    I'm still a novice vaper, but I won't say you are wrong. I noticed this on the PnP coils. Saturates more evenly for my style of vaping. Everyone's different and experiences things differently. 2 identical setups can have a world of difference between them depending on different...
  14. MIKE6236

    Juicy vape

    The wick and coils saturates a little better. But only to an extent. Depending on how full the tank is.
  15. MIKE6236

    Design too close to battery limit?

    Thank you very much. My battery's are double wrapped and I try my best to keep it in good shape. I have re-wrapped a couple of my friends battery's that was mostly about 3 months old. Their conditions were horrible. After Re-wrapping I sent them a video of a battery venting. Hope it will open...
  16. MIKE6236

    Design too close to battery limit?

    So if I understand correctly. On @Kuhlkatz 's post, I'm safe vaping 0.24ohm at 65watts on a dual battery mod? Or am I just ignorant and still know nothing after trying to read and understand that post. I know that my mod performs differently on all wattage intervals as it should, but after...
  17. MIKE6236

    Vaping and Drinking... pick your poison

    Ek is besig om te drink, so ek gaan nou nie my english skills uithaal nie. Ek kom agter die soet vrugte smaakies komplimenteer 'n "ZAMALEK" die beste. Besig met 'n CAPTIAN COOL oneshot van BLCK. Waatlemoen lekker met n bietjie aarbei. Loop soos stroop!
  18. MIKE6236

    Review my recipe. Novice mixer.

    Haha. Sorry about that. Im using a 20/80 premix base. So did not even notice that.
  19. MIKE6236

    Review my recipe. Novice mixer.

    Good day to all. I created this thread for the novice mixers(like me) with the hope to share a simple recipe and mabey get a review or two from experienced mixers and vapers. Well I just mixed up the best juice I mixed so far. I'm hoping that a few leaders in the community can mix themselves...
  20. MIKE6236

    Desk check

    Pitstoped and ready to rock Now my day can begin.