I bought this product and would like to no if you need a special charger for this. Currently I am using the EVOD 1 charger but it do charge up to a point and then stop. When I use the Spinner the blue lite comes on showing that it is not completely charged. I have to reconnect it until the white...
Hi all.
So I did it. One year stinky free. I never thought that I would do it but thanks to Twisp, EVOD and ITASTE I am off the stinky for ever. I did a test with a stinky a wile ago and it tasted horrible!!!!
Next step...let it all go.
Happy vaporing
J J.
So I took delivery of my VTR but no battery or charger. Anyone in the Vereeniging area know where I can get this from? The alternative is ordering again and pay delivery costs again!!!
Hi there you all. It is now 7 months since I stopped stink's. I never thought it will be possible but I am still going. I also started With a Twisp and since then got the AVOD and a Itaste MVP and await the delivery of a Innokin iTaste VTR Jungle Camo.
I am using all them and found that all...
Alwright this has been asked several times i asume. Currently i am on the Twisp using tabbaco and toasted and i do enjoy it in spite of the costs involved. Now what else is on the market in SA that would give me the same or better enjoyment? Maybe less costly! Shape can be the same i dont like...