I think I can top than bummer...
This was around the time I just started dripping. I was working on my pc installing a new hardrive and when I was done I left the side cover of my desktop off leaving the internals exposed. The exposed pc being below my TV facing me as I'm vaping directly into...
Hi All
Anyone know where I can get some grub screws for the my velocity clone? I managed to strip the thread on all of mine even the extras that come with it. First thought it was the thread on the posts of the RDA but later checked with some other screws and it was still firmly intact.
Im in...
thanks a bunch guys, much appreciate it. I'm kinda part of teamcheap lol but like you say it might be a risk. Its just really enticing seeing the same mods at half the price it is locally if we have them here at all. I'm not too worried about the time frame as I am sorted with my billow 2...
Hi all. I am in the process of registering for a pay pal account as I would also like to start ordering from fast tech and also been looking at angelcigs too.
Haven't ordered anything out of SA yet so apologies for the silly questions coming up.
1. Does everything get taxed no matter the price...
I've got the lemo 2 and billow 2. Lemo flavor is amazing once you get the wicking right, its a good restricted draw if you into that but the only reason its my second in command against my billow v2 is the convenience of not having to get rid of your juice every time if you want to tinker with...
Finally got my Billow V2!! Twas really worth the wait, warm warrrm flavour rocking the std 0.3ohm dual coil at 45watts with the airflow wide open!! Sick as tits!! :rock:
Thanks to vapeclub for the little something extra as well. You guys are awesome for adding a personal touch to your packaging...
Really hope customs clears these goods today. Getting fidgety already, too anxious to get my billow v2, can't even sleep.. . vaping is taking over my life.. :help:
Yeah for now i also still prefer the kanthal too. But since I paid R129 for a spool of nickel I gotta get something good out of it. Sigh...
Know anything about this titanium wire I'm hearing of for TC? I know certain factory made coils comes with it but can it be bought to build with? Also eager...
Sheesh! you people awesome on the response times hey, thanks again all you okes. Will give this a bash soon and see how it goes fingers crossed. Really looking forward to getting this TC thing right for those long hits. Also FYI a tricky I do sometimes on the lemo 2 to get it to wick immediately...
@baksteen8168 i think you might be right on both of those things,the wattage drop and wicking. I ran the mentioned build for a day or two then lost patience pulling my hair out and went to kanthal. Thanks for the quick response you folks are awesome,will definitely give it another try when i get...
Hey all, noob here! this is my first post so go easy on me lol.
Got the heatvape invader mini with TC and was running 2.4mm diameter 28g nickel coil at 0.16ohm on my lemo 2. The TC feature definitely seems to work however I'm noticing flavor(DIY vanilla custard) tasting abit weird, been through...