Age: doesnt matter
Price: discussion
Payment Methods Accepted: either
Packaging: plz
Condition: 8+
Location: S.A
Reason: need one
Shipping: either
Item: Dead Rabbit V3
Age: - +1 Month
Price: 300
Payment Methods Accepted: either
Packaging: No box
Condition: 8/10, because of no box
Location: Pretoria
Reason: ain't a Dripper
Shipping: either
Item: Blaze rta
Age: few weeks
Price: R350
Payment Methods Accepted: either
Packaging: Yes but no bubble glass
Condition: 8 /10
Location: Pretoria
Reason: need something else
Shipping: either
Item: widowmaker rta
Age: few months
Price: trade
Packaging: yes with extra gold airflows
Condition: 8/10
Location: Pretoria
Reason: need blotto
Shipping: either
Item: arcfox mod with widowmaker rta
Age: mod 3 weeks and rta 2 months
Price: R1000
Payment Methods Accepted: Either
Packaging: yes
Condition: 8/10
Location: Pretoria
Reason: funding
Shipping: EITHER
Item: arcfox with widowmaker
Age: mod 3 weeks and tank 2months
Price: trade for high end 30mm*diameter mod
Packaging: Yes
Condition: 8/10
Location: Pretoria
Reason: need a mod for my Aromamizer plus v2
Shipping: EITHER
Item: Blaze rta
Age: 2 weeks
Price: 350
Payment Methods Accepted: Either
Packaging: yes, but don't have bubble glass
Condition: 8/10
Location: Pretoria
Reason: I need cash, urgent sale
Item:blotto 1.5 or max
Price: will discuss
Payment Methods Accepted: Either
Packaging: please yes
Condition: 8.5 upwards
Location: Pretoria
Shipping: EITHER
Item: widowmaker rta
Price: will be discussed
Payment Methods Accepted: discussed
Packaging: yes
Condition: great
Location: am in Pretoria
Reason: I love it.
Shipping: if needed
I got a black one so I do prefer a different color
Item: Juices 0-3mg
Age:doesn’t matter
Price: will discuss
Payment Methods Accepted: Either
Location: Pretoria
Reason: am all out, in need
Shipping: EITHER