Search results

  1. waiora

    Blueberry Ice \ Cupcake

    For the creamy undertone my guess is the usual suspects. Vanilla bean icecream. FW is more creamy, and more mellow than TPA. But both are excellent flavors. If its just the undertone it would be hard to tell them apart. Would also try just Bavarian cream with a tiny bit of french vanilla delux...
  2. waiora

    Blueberry Ice \ Cupcake

    Just knew there would be acai in there, its such a great enhancer for blueberry, I used it before when making a tobacco berry blend. If you have more info regarding the bakery notes, I have a wide variety of bakery stuff, don't mind to help test a few things, I can learn from that as well. I...
  3. waiora

    Blueberry Ice \ Cupcake

    I also ordered some other blueberries and other berry flavors I havn't tried before. You got me curious about this mix now since you say its quite different. :-D
  4. waiora

    Blueberry Ice \ Cupcake

    If you get a distinct candy note from it, they might be mixing blueberry with acai berry at something like 6:1, The acai berry i mentioned before is very sweet, it almost has a fanta grape softdrink taste. It turns that blueberry into a very sweet candy/jammy flavor. Also test the ones you have...
  5. waiora

    Blueberry Ice \ Cupcake

    @MunG I do like my bakery vapes so I mixed up a few testers tonight in 10ml and gave them a quick hot bath, and then did a "shake and vape" using a dead rabbit dripper with, 0.2 coil at 55W This one could be promising, will see what steeping does, but atm the other 3 isn't worth posting. Will...
  6. waiora

    Blueberry Ice \ Cupcake

    I don't know the Vuse's blueberry ice or Blueberry cupcake you are referring to, but when it comes to blueberry concentrates I use TPA blueberry extra in my tobacco recipes. Its a very natural blueberry taste, not as sweet as you would expect, more a tarty flavor instead of candy or jam. It...
  7. waiora

    What did you Mix today?

    Well... I was going to just vape 1 pod of that cinnamon caramel, and now there is only about 30ml left, this time ill mix something that has to steep about 2 weeks.
  8. waiora

    For peppery tasters here

    I test all my flavors at 3mg nic I know very well, and with 0mg. However the peppery taste im referring to is specifically people that get it from vanilla flavors.
  9. waiora

    For peppery tasters here

    Im well aware that many vapers get a pepper taste from various Vanilla custard / ice cream / gelato and even clean vanilla flavors. Which brands and flavors do you guys get peppery notes from? And which ones can you vape if you are someone who is sensitive to peppery notes? I don't really taste...
  10. waiora

    Peach Custard - Vaping With Vic

    I worked on a sour apple for a long time and i now completely stay away from citric acid. No matter what i did it had a foul taste, and it very quicly clogged up my coils (2 or 3 pods), leaving you with a "dry hit" taste. I now achieve a sour taste with other flavors, like dragonfruit or lemon.
  11. waiora

    Boss Vape In-House Brand Nicotine

    Have used boss vape nic, for myself and other clients, had no issues, Good product for the price.
  12. waiora

    Diy juice no flavour

    Hi, could be that you are just a strawberry mute. Have you vaped strawberry flavors before? Many vapers can't taste strawberry flavours well and that mix contains quite a bit. I would suggest asking someone else to also try your mix and get feedback from them. The recipe looks ok flavor wise.
  13. waiora

    What would you make?

    This is so close to what i would have suggested, but I was immediately checking if he had a peanutbutter and caramel origional. If you are willing to pick up a few more concentrates try this, Ill mark what you dont have at the moment with ** 4.5% LA banana cream 1.5% TPA Sweetcream ** 2% TPA...
  14. waiora

    VG/PG Ratios

    PG is your flavor carrier like mentioned, but it depends on a few factors. I start all recipes at 70/30 How much nic you use, for higher nic content I will use more PG ratio, like 60/40. Nic itself can also change how a recipe will vape if you compare a 3% vs a 0% How much flavoring my recipe...
  15. waiora

    What did you Mix today?

    This one isnt a super long steep, its good in about 7 days in warmer day temps, but this morning I figured, WTH lets have a taste anyway, and the neighbor asked earlier if we are baking melktert
  16. waiora

    What did you Mix today?

    Almost like a melktert but not.... Love this cinnamon from flavor mill once I figured out what it works with.
  17. waiora

    What's in your hand right now?

    Starting my weekend with a Cinamon Danish infused black current and suttle notes of vanilla and honey and a few other things, finally ready after a 4 week steep.
  18. waiora

    Just... wow

    I am like that too, personally I mostly vape friuts when infused with deserts and tobacco's. I hardly ever vape a clean fruit/fruit Ice, but the few recipes I have done for clean fruits when I had a craving for it was quite easy to make in comparison. For me the real art of DIY is making that...
  19. waiora

    Just... wow

    I can confirm this having a similar experience with a strawberry mix, took me almost 3 years, about 50 tries and 2 resets and start over with plenty of wasted ingredients. DIY can be simple and easy at times, or very expensive and time consuming. There is so many factors to get right, flavour...
  20. waiora

    Introduce Yourselves:

    Hi everyone, what a great forum to stumble across while searching around for some DIY concentrates(some things are hard to find lately). I'm Jaques from PTA. Started vaping around 5 years ago after being a hookah smoker for many years and havn't looked back since. I picked up DIY very shortly...