Search results

  1. PuffingPete

    UNKWN Midge RBA

  2. PuffingPete

    What's in your hand right now?

    NFG60c Mission XV Ad Astra
  3. PuffingPete

    Bumpedy Bump - Vape Mail!

    No. 18
  4. PuffingPete

    SOLD San Dna80c Bundle

    Bump Hit me up. Send a PM to see if we can make a deal
  5. PuffingPete

    Archive Plum Stubby X-ray AIO Bundle

    Bump Hit me up. Send a PM to see if we can make a deal
  6. PuffingPete

    Archive Plum Stubby X-ray AIO Bundle

    Price Drop R2300 for Stubby X-ray with DNA60 conversion R2700 for Full Bundle as Described Above
  7. PuffingPete

    SOLD San Dna80c Bundle

    Drop R2600 Mod and Shift tank only R3000 for Bundle
  8. PuffingPete

    Archive Plum Stubby X-ray AIO Bundle

    Black X-ray Sold Plum X-ray Still Available
  9. PuffingPete

    Archive Plum Stubby X-ray AIO Bundle

    Sunday Bump Price Drop Stubby XRay DNA60 = R2450
  10. PuffingPete

    SOLD San Dna80c Bundle

    Back to Normal Price. Details updated. Items added to Bundle.
  11. PuffingPete

    Archive wanted: caps & nozzles

    Hi there. I think I’m able to help
  12. PuffingPete

    SVA Aio-Xr-Nano Peek

    My first High End Setup… Wick’d and Mod’s House NFG60c with Toxic Buttons. Toxic Integrated Ultra Whistle tip from Monarchy. Clear Polished King’Bo with Dama MS, both from Monarchy
  13. PuffingPete

    Urgent need mod and rta setup

    Still in need?
  14. PuffingPete

    Archive MTL RBA's

    I have a Mobb 2 clone with additional MTL cap and af pins
  15. PuffingPete

    UNKWN Midge RBA

    Item: UNKWN MIDG Age: Any Price: TBD Payment Methods Accepted: TBD Warranty: Packagin: Yes Authentic/Clone: Authentic Condition: 8/10 or higher Location: Pretoria Reason: Raising Funds Shipping: On buyer Link:
  16. PuffingPete


    Item: KONTRL MKRO Age: Any Price: TBD Payment Methods Accepted: TBD Warranty: Packagin: Yes Authentic/Clone: Authentic Condition: 8/10 or higher Location: Pretoria Reason: Raising Funds Shipping: On buyer Link:
  17. PuffingPete

    Archive Sturdy One RBA + One↗️ kit

    Item: Batch 3 Raven Bosch Sturdy One Mfg kit with the new One ↗️ conversion Age: 1 week Price: R3400 Payment Methods Accepted: EFT Warranty: Yes Packaging: Yes Authentic/Clone: Authentic Condition: 9.9/10 Location: Pretoria Reason: Funding be great Shipping: On buyer Link...
  18. PuffingPete

    SOLD San Dna80c Bundle

    New Pics added