Hi there guys and girls... So with lockdown I decided that I want to learn how to make juice... So where do I start and what do I need for this to work and be nice
Oky guys and girls need sum help
Bought revolver at vapecon... But there a issue... Omh is running 0.4 or higher... It keeps poping hot juice into my mouth.. Running it on 45w on puma mod... It not nice.. Need sumone to assit...
Hi there
I have a friend that doing reviews in afrikaans
He is based in cape town and have a few videos out.. If we ca show support to him it will be great
Thanks guys
Item wanted: looking for budget vape gear
Price Preference:400
Age of the item:
Location of item:
Reason: i have a friend that looking to start vaping but dont have a big budget so i am trying to assist him
Picture here (if it helps describe what you...
Hi there guys... I saw sumone that was having car holders that fits into a cup holders.. I just want to know where i can get it and the price off it...
If it the wrong place to post this can a admin assit me to the right place