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  1. S


    Item: QP/GM SCION 25mm Age: 3 months Price: 659 Payment Methods Accepted: eft/cash Warranty: Should still be available, i have the invoice Packaging: all Authentic/Clone: auth Condition: 9.5/10 Location: Cape town Reason: Funding Shipping: on buyer Link: Can send more pics as requested
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    Armor mech squonk + flave 22 with 2 extra caps

    Item for Sale :- armor mech squonk + flave 22 Selling Price :- R3000 Condition :- 9/10 on both Age of the item :- unsure Clone or Authentic :- yes Location of item :- cape Town Delivery/Collection :- to be discussed Reason for sale:- wanted to take drive down the flave train and I prefer...
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    GEN S, zues RTA, 25r's, 2bay charger

    Item for Sale :- Gen s, zues RTA, 25r's, 2bay nitecore i2 all boxes and Accesories Selling Price :- R800 onco Condition :- gen 9/10 zues 8.5/10 Age of the item :- unknown Clone or Authentic :- auth Location of item :- CPT Delivery/Collection :- collection preffered, delivery at buyers...
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    SOLD SS Widowmaker

    Item for Sale :- ss widowmaker Selling Price :- 450 Condition :- 9/10 Age of the item :- 3 weeks Clone or Authentic :- auth Location of item :- CPT Delivery/Collection :- collection preffered, delivery at buyers expense Reason for sale:- not using it Add a picture here :- Batteries - you...