Sky News had another E Cig punt this morning saying that The NHS in the UK should start recommending usage of E Cigs as an alternative to patches and gum. I wonder if the ceo of Sky News is a vaper???? This could have a good ripple effect world wide if it goes ahead.
HOORAY, YIPPEEE our stock of Kanger, EMOW and accessories, toolkits and chargers are now available on line. For any further info please feel free to contact me.
Did anyone see the nicotine story on sky news this morning where they said there was a misunderstanding by the public of nicotine, and that it was as harmful as a cup of coffee and that people should be encouraged to use patches, gum or E CIGS.
What a sad day in South Africa and the worlds cricketing fraternity. Clive Rice passed away today. He was a legend and great cricketer. RIP and condolences to his family.
Vape Decadence is up and running. We are agents for Vicious Ant products, who are manufacturers of high quality hardware. We are also stocking some of the Kanger range as well as the Eleaf products (Stock en route).
Some of us have an intolerance for PG in the run of the mill juices, so we have...
What were the fears you had when you stopped smoking and went on to vaping. I must admit going from 2-3 packs a day to a strange looking contraption that I was given by my brother in law hardly filled me with conviction. Now after 18mths of being smoke free and saving a substantial buck or...