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  1. Sheryl

    What did you Mix today?

    I didn't mix today. This was mixed on the 29yh of June I used a Recipe from this E-Liquid app I have. The YOGURT was what I was hoping for, but this is more like a strawberry biscuit than yogurt. I am looking for something close to Rebel Lion Strawberry yogurt. Any advice please :facepalm:
  2. Sheryl

    Relapsed to I sound like Darth Vader

    I have 3 recipes that are winners, steep time (and my lack of patience) is the issue. I've seen the one shots, added some to my cart on BLCK, just haven't checked out. I have 3 Fav commercial juices at the mo, and want something similar to mix myself. Rebel Lion Strawberry Yogurt Orion Belt...
  3. Sheryl

    Relapsed to I sound like Darth Vader

    Thanks for the advice. I wasn't even in the queue when patience was handed out, nevermind last in the queue :anguished: The reason I was forced into doing it myself was because I look like a freakin storm cloud with the vape permanently attached to my face, and it was costing a fortune on...
  4. Sheryl

    Relapsed to I sound like Darth Vader

    Uhm, what's that? :blush:
  5. Sheryl

    Relapsed to I sound like Darth Vader

    Spanks! I've gone through two tank refills in like an hour. Probably going to burn through this iJoy before the week is done:oops:
  6. Sheryl

    Relapsed to I sound like Darth Vader

    So after not smoking any cigarettes for months, vaping solely on my Eleaf Pico, I relapsed :( I bought the Wotofo Serpent RDTA, for DYI coils. Also started mixing my own juice, and just like that, everything went pear shaped. Juice started tasting horrible in the RDTA, so I lit up a cigarette...
  7. Sheryl

    1 or 2 Flavour DIY Recipes

    Tried both, and I'm sorry, it's horrible :( Threw it all away because no one in the family could vape it.
  8. Sheryl

    DIY Fruit Recipes

    Thought I wouldn't like it, but made it for the hubby. Turns out I LOVE it. Now I need to make another 6 bottles...
  9. Sheryl

    DIY Bakery Recipes

    Tried it, and I'm not impressed. Even with just 0.3% cinnamon, it still overpowers the cream cheese icing, and this juice burns the coil. Or so I assume, because I can vape anything else without getting the burnt taste, but as soon as I vape this. It's buggered. I was also way too enthusiastic...
  10. Sheryl

    Best RDTA for flavour

    Hope this is the right thread... I recently bought the Serpent 22mm RDTA. First coil and wicking I got right, had no issues, then I did my husband's. The same juice tastes COMPLETELY different in each tank. So we've re-wicked a couple of times to get it right. Now we're out of cotton...why do we...
  11. Sheryl

    What have you made that looked good on paper but just wasn't

    If I could taste anything I'd be happy. The only successful mix so far was NightShift (coil killer) that tasted so awesome it was done in a day. I've got Ethos Crispy Treats steeping, so I'm hoping that'll be good at least...
  12. Sheryl

    What have you made that looked good on paper but just wasn't

    So I mixed this: Which is adapted from the below link coz 10mg is so not happening, and it smells DIVINE, but tastes like f@kol :( My just plain thrown together leftover Vanilla Custard and Cheesecake from what was left over after mixing, tasted a WHOLE lot better. So what do I do now? I...
  13. Sheryl

    Bumpedy Bump - Vape Mail!

    My packages...finally got the RDTA as suggested I like the little personalized sticker from The Flavour Mill.
  14. Sheryl

    Which RDTA for iStick Pico 75W?

    Thank you, I'm going for RDTA x 2! Then when my first coil needs to be built I'll hit you all up again for advice on that :) ;)
  15. Sheryl

    Which RDTA for iStick Pico 75W?

    Same thing? Thanks guys!
  16. Sheryl

    Which RDTA for iStick Pico 75W?

    Sitting with same problem. Can't find Avo 22mm anywhere, and I need two! Will the 24mm fit the pico 75w? Or shall I just get a whole new kit, mod n all?
  17. Sheryl

    Cart Blanche on Vaping, Sunday 30 July

    Oh, and I know a lot of people will frown upon this, BUT, I vape around my kids, and it has NO effect on them. Daughter was within a meter of an actual cigarette for 5 mins and ended up in hospital with bronchitis as well...just saying... Vaping, is THE way to go. And I suppose the biggest...
  18. Sheryl

    DIY Bloopers

    My Vape is attached to my lips CONSTANTLY. I've been nicknamed "groenie die draak" in the office because I've got clouds around me all the time. Maybe I vape too much? Chain-vaper :P
  19. Sheryl

    Cart Blanche on Vaping, Sunday 30 July

    I smoked 20 cigs a day minimum, I had no energy to run after my kids, had to wake up at 2am in the morning to Nebulize just to breathe, ended up in hospital TWICE with pneumonia, got diagnosed with Asthma, and then I started Vaping.... Since, I have not needed any Nebulizer, haven't been sick...