Hi GUys,
Just to update you.
I decided to go for the HotCig R233,
Thanks to the one suggesting it.
Saw the review and instantly knew that is what I was looking for.
Thanks once again.
I am looking into the blade but had my concerns. I see posts saying it fires at 0.015 which seems a bit unrealistic compared to the voopoo firing at 0.025.
I like my dual coil builds at 0.10
Hi Guys,
I am looking to buy a new mod that packs a punch,
I have the VooPoo drag and the GeekVape Aegis 100w (not so happy using this with dual coil builds)
The VooPoo fires perfect and I enjoy vaping it. I want a black vape setup and I am leaning towards just buying a black VooPoo but I...
I only use commercial pre made coils but type differes from SS/Ka/ Ni, I mostly use Ka though. I did not have the same with commecrial juices so I think the comment regarding NIC to strong might be the case.
Thanks I will give it a try, worth mentioning, my Fiance had the same and I started mixing 2mg for her and went away. I am mixing high for myself cos I want to get of the sigs.
Hi Guys,
I hope you can help me with informed and useful answers.
My DIY juice has been making me feel sick with the following symptoms:
Drip Nose
What I think it could be:
1. Coils
Might be the coils I use? not ruling this out yet. But when I prime the coils before...