Search results

  1. Pierre2

    SOLD Closet Cleanout

    Morning @Beebs, I am interested in the bundle. Will you please contact me on whatsapp, 082 782 0571. Thank you Pierre
  2. Pierre2

    SOLD Atmizoo Steam Shell RBA

    Morning Marcelle, hope you are well. I am interested in the Steam Shell rba please. My name is Pierre & my number is 082 782 0571. Thank you
  3. Pierre2

    SOLD Atmizoo Vapesnail RBA

    @ChrisNel, please let me know if the rba is still available. Thank you, Pierre 082 782 0571 Sent from my BV6200 Pro using Tapatalk
  4. Pierre2

    SOLD Final Price drop- Kilic Killab R. rba

    Afternoon @AZAM-ZN, please let me know if the rba is still available? Thank you Pierre 072 782 0571 Sent from my BV6200 Pro using Tapatalk
  5. Pierre2

    Firebolt mixed edition cotton

    Morning Jurgens, hope you are well. I will take 5 packets please. Thank you Pierre 0827820571 Sent from my BV6200 Pro using Tapatalk
  6. Pierre2

    SOLD Stubby21 MTL setup

    Morning Chris, please let me know if the Stubby is still available. Thank you Pierre. You can dm me om 082 782 0571 Sent from my BV6200 Pro using Tapatalk
  7. Pierre2

    SOLD {SOLD} Steam Crave Meson AIO KIT

    Dear @VapeSnow, I am interested in the Meson AIO kit please. If still available, please whatsapp Pierre on 082 782 0571. Thank you Sent from my SM-S908E using Tapatalk
  8. Pierre2

    Archive Tita X AIO (21700) with Tita X RBA

    Thank you, I pulled the trigger and bought one from Sirvape. Appreciated Sent from my SM-S908E using Tapatalk
  9. Pierre2

    Archive Tita X AIO (21700) with Tita X RBA

    @Nick_Naidoo hope you are well. I am interested in just the Tita AIO if you are interested in selling it, pleas let me know. Thank you Sent from my SM-S908E using Tapatalk
  10. Pierre2

    SOLD REDUCED Vandy Vape Kylin M Pro

    Afternoon @adriaanh, I will take the Kylin M Pro please, if it is still available? Sent from my SM-S908E using Tapatalk
  11. Pierre2

    SOLD Kumo Rdta

    Hey @Paul33, I just bought the Kylim M Pro from Gru, sorry. Sent from my SM-S908E using Tapatalk
  12. Pierre2

    SOLD Kumo Rdta

    Afternoon Paul, I am interest in the Kumo please, if it is still available. My name is Pierre Sent from my SM-S908E using Tapatalk
  13. Pierre2

    Archive Abyss

    Apologies, I searched for the Abyss and accidentally created an advert.
  14. Pierre2

    Archive Abyss

    Item: Age: Price: Payment Methods Accepted: Warranty: Packaging: Condition: Location: Reason: Shipping: Link:
  15. Pierre2

    Multiple Items

    Hi #Jo-Vapes, price on the daedalus coil kit with wires please? Thank you Pierre Sent from my SM-S908E using Tapatalk
  16. Pierre2

    The Official Happy Birthday Thread

    Thank you for all the well wishes, having a kick ass day! Sent from my SM-G780F using Tapatalk
  17. Pierre2

    SOLD Massive Vape Kit for Sale (5x RTA/RDAs Kit) - R900 Incl Ship

    Dear #Soprono, I am interested in the bundle, if still available. My number is 082 782 0571 Sent from my SM-G780F using Tapatalk
  18. Pierre2

    JHB Vape Meet - 20 November 2021

    Thank you @vicTor, looking forward to it.
  19. Pierre2

    Vape Meet - JHB - 23/10/2021

    I will be there, thanks. Sent from my SM-G780F using Tapatalk
  20. Pierre2

    SOLD Voopoo X217 Dual 20700

    Hey, I am interested in the mod. Please whatsapp me on 082 782 0571 Sent from my SM-P615 using Tapatalk