The goal is to have the majority of the republic's vape industry form a commitee that will represent the vape industry as a whole. The commitee would then agree on standards, and appoint teams inspect and enforce them. All this could happen under a non profit organisation which would have powers...
This is caused by sponsored legislations. Big monopolies do this to discourage competition, and again despite the smoking laws put in place the government will do anything to keep the tax the are so acustomed to receiving.. That's why it even has its own category on the budget speech..
I have been drafting a health and safety document which will (hopefully) regulate the health and safety aspects of electronic cigarette related products within the republic. Since there has been no universal self regulation in the industry, the industry is vulnerable to gaining a bad reputation...
Dark here, Dark Vaper.
Ecig promoter ,health and safety by profession. I hope my knowledge and contributions will be accepted in this forum and industry.