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  1. quanadamsza

    Don't Forget to Tune into Mix FM @ 18:00

    Guess I missed the interview...anybody record it?
  2. quanadamsza

    My First RDA

    Pics or it never happened lol
  3. quanadamsza

    SOLD!xbox 360 4gb

    R1350 and il deliver
  4. quanadamsza

    SOLD!xbox 360 4gb

    BUMP! R1300 needs to go today. You collect
  5. quanadamsza

    SOLD!xbox 360 4gb

    No completely stock
  6. quanadamsza

    SOLD!xbox 360 4gb

    It's just extra storage space...any flash works. Had gta5 installed on there
  7. quanadamsza

    SOLD!xbox 360 4gb

    Images as promised sorry if the orientation is not right
  8. quanadamsza

    SOLD!xbox 360 4gb

    Howzit vapers Xbox 360 4gb for sale comes with 11 games (not latest) 3 controls (2 wireless, 1 wired) play and charge kit Hdmi/composite/component cables Powerbrick included Box and all other manuals Will include 16gb flashdrive Condition: great Age: ~2 years Location: Cape town...
  9. quanadamsza

    Atlantis V2 apparently so
  10. quanadamsza

    Heavy chest and breathing

    Ooh how I love me a heavy chest:clap:
  11. quanadamsza

    Vaping Time - Milestones Reached - Good News!

    Thanks everyone:dance:...ecigssa has officially moved up into my top 3 forums
  12. quanadamsza

    Vaping Time - Milestones Reached - Good News!

    Soooo it's day 6 of stinky nicotine withdrawal started on day 2 already and it was so severe I will never touch a stinky again due not wanting to go through that again, throbbing headache, no taste or smell, no feeling in legs or face, blurry vision, swollen face and a cough that would...
  13. quanadamsza

    Unwanted liquid

    @bjorncoetsee sorry I haven't gotten back to you. Having nicotine withdrawal symptoms and I can't stand the sight of my eciggarette...will contact you in a month if you've still got the juices
  14. quanadamsza

    Unwanted liquid

    Good day guys It's far from month end and I'm running low on juice...anybody in cape town southern suburbs have any juice they don't like or don't want? Thanks alot and sorry if it's in the wrong section
  15. quanadamsza

    Introduce Yourselves:

    So I popped into vapemob this morning, was told they only getting the istick and nautilus mini in the week so I thought okay let me get something cheap in the meantime, walked in there and walked out 5mins later. Got myself 3 EVO tanks and 3 juices, papa smurf 18mg, litchi 12mg and menthol 0mg...
  16. quanadamsza

    Introduce Yourselves:

    I've got an ego battery so a cheap tank will do for get to that point where I've got 20 vaping devices like some of you guys...but all I need now is to just get through the week or month...went through all the threads about juice and I like most of those flavours but I don't like the...
  17. quanadamsza

    Introduce Yourselves:

    Thanks free3dom. Was planning on going to Vapemob tomorrow to see what I can get in the meantime because they only getting stock of the istick and the mini in the week and I can't wait that get that another time and keep my current one as of tomorrow as a spare. As for juices I think...
  18. quanadamsza

    Introduce Yourselves:

    Hi vapers I'm new I'm from cape town southern suburbs. I'm a stinker ready to buy some gear tomorrow, any directions?...anyway more about myself I've been smoking for the past 10 years and I think it's time to quit. I've bought an ecig before but it was a fake and I had little knowledge of this...