Now I have had the istick 30 for 3 weeks and I feel its not enough. Well its enough for now, but I'm running it on 30 watts already and I'm a bit disappointed that I didn't go bigger. For now I will go back to single coils cause it feels like I need more power for my duals.
Now I want to know...
I wired my twisp coil at 0.9 ohm, just to see what it does. Now I put it on my istick 30 and started at 5 watts and went up at around 8 watts the flavour was great the vapour was also impressive. The coil has lasted me a week and still going strong. I stepped it up and got a burnt taste at...
Jip thanks I'm positive now. Just can't believe I did it with my first go. It was tricky at first cause its tiny, but i went to my garage and found a device boiler makers use to clean their nozzles. It fit perfectly so I have made it part of my vape kit. All the reading has paid off big time...
Hey thanks I appreciate it. I just posted that I rebuilt my first twisp you can read it on the newbie corner. Picking up my stuff in Middleburg tomorrow morning I need to be there so I called the courier and organized.
My last coil burnt out last night on the twisp last night. This morning I wanted to solder a charger that my kid broke. Anyway the solder iron was bust for some reason. I tried to fix it but I need a solder iron to fix it. Then bang... I saw the kanthal and I was excited. Finally at 5 I had a...
This makes perfect sence. I am curious as you have had A kayfun 3,1 what did you find best on coil build? I know I may find something I prefer, but would like a starting point.
Thanks a mill.
I have last questions. Sorry for all the questions, but I am slightly new to this. This is a weird one though.
Let's say I run on 4,2 v and I want to run on...say 25 watts, Then I(amps) = p ÷ v = 25 ÷ 4,2 = 5,95 amps then r = v ÷ I = 4,2 ÷ 5,95 = 0,7 ohm. Does this mean if I...
Question what would I need to do so that the temp sensor doesn't bug me? I do have kanthal 28 guage on shat slow boat from China, but it may only arrive 2020 December 25 :-D. anyway I hope the wait isn't too long as I did use courier service.
Thanks I did want kanthal, but there wasn't any at the vender. I stay in a small village between witbank and Belfast. So I cannot get kanthal here, I don't know of any shops in witbank either. I will get some on my next purchase, till then will the nichrome work?
The rest I have mostly. Have a...
I got tired of waiting for ft so I ordered some equip to get started. Also went through three coils on my twisp in just over a weak, and four last month. I ordered today so hopefully it is here soon.
Istick 30. I have a mech on the way so I wanted a reg too.
Kayfun 3,1. I have an orchid v4...