The service and delivery has always been fantastic for me. I have actually said to a number of vendors that they need to find out by Vape King how do they do it. The prices of their goods are excelant and they always have so much to choose from. Most times they seem to have stock, unlike other...
How do I respond to a classified ad if I am interested in purchasing something.
I am new on the forum and don't know how to use it.
roypretorius -at-
Hi, I cannot see why you set the temperature so high. The concept of titanium is to prevent dry burns, better tasting vape and safer. By the time the
temperature control kicks in, your temperature setting is too high. The temperature is set in the following way: set the mod in TC mode, joules...
Hi buddy,
You should rather use Titanium. Easier to work with, you don't have to do spaced coils, closer resistance to kanthal and much healthier. It has an awesome flavour. At present I have 4 tanks that I use in TC mode. If you want to know more about titanium coils, go to...
I am now vaping in TC mode. I prefer 0.4 ohm coils. I use a Sigelei 150 watt temp control with a Kanger Sub Tank mini. I wind my coils with Titanium. It is awesome.
Hi Guys,
My name is Roy Pretorius and I am from the Cape.
I had stopped smoking for 3 years when I decided to vape because I love the smell and taste.
My daughter had stopped vaping and went back to the stinkers (cigarettes), so I used her e cig for a while.
I got her to leave smoking and she is...