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  1. thumptrump

    DIY Fruit Recipes

    I initially had the same thought. It's sweet but personally, I don't find it overpowering. The original is very sweet too so I tried to stick to the percentages on most of the Andromeda clone recipes I stumbled upon. - Like this one It definitely gives you a good smack on the tongue but not too...
  2. thumptrump

    DIY Fruit Recipes

    LOL true, I guess we'll see. If I find myself diving into it again I'll give an update!
  3. thumptrump

    DIY Fruit Recipes

    VapeMOB Papa Smurf Clone (not 100% IMO, but close) I've tried to recreate this juice since I've started vaping. To be honest it's the juice that got me hooked on vaping. Now I've spent tons of time, money and effort in researching and creating all clone possible recipes, so much that I started...
  4. thumptrump

    Introduce Yourselves:

    Hi guys. I've been a long time lurker on the site. Finally decided to say something and contribute to the community. I'm the guy testing, trying out and sharing new recipes in DIY. My favourite device is the o'l Reuleaux X200 (with batteries currently out of order). Currently the device I'm...
  5. thumptrump

    Wicks bubblegum recipe or tips?

    I've tried to make a Wicks Flavoured bubblegum vape for some time now and worked out a recipe. The recipe I worked out that I was very satisfied with is: Cly Bubblegum 2-3% TFA Bubblegum 6% INW Strawberry (Shisha) 5% TFA Sweetener 1% My thoughts on this was: Cly Bubblegum - Gives you that...