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  1. Wolf365

    Build and wicking the limitless RDTA Plus

    does anyone have a build you can suggest that i can do with the 26gauge Kanthal from geekvape and what wattage i need to run?
  2. Wolf365

    Build and wicking the limitless RDTA Plus

    hey man i have tried some aliens and fused that i got with the Limitless+ but after like ten hits, the coils go black and i have no flavour, i generally do dual 26gauge 10wraps on a 3.5mm bit but the flavour is ok?
  3. Wolf365

    Introduce Yourselves:

    thanks a mill for the help @Silver
  4. Wolf365

    Introduce Yourselves:

    hi Vape fam, please can someone tell me how to put that little thing in my signature that shows how long i have been vaping?
  5. Wolf365

    Introduce Yourselves:

    thanks silver i will do as soon as the bank account allows it, haha
  6. Wolf365

    Build and wicking the limitless RDTA Plus

    @Sprint what wire are you using and how many wraps?
  7. Wolf365

    Build and wicking the limitless RDTA Plus

    hi Vape fam, i hope i started ths thread in the right place, i am just looking for some tips on the best way to wick the limitless plus RDTA and also the best coil build for flavour as well as the best wire to use for such a build? thank you in advance
  8. Wolf365

    Introduce Yourselves:

    hi Andre, thank you for the welcome, i have tried 6mg in a friend vapresso target tank, and i nearly died?
  9. Wolf365

    Introduce Yourselves:

    Hi i am Wolf365 i have been vaping for about 3 months now. my first setup was as follows: kangertech KBOX 200W TC mod OBS Crius V3 RTA my current setup is as follows: sigelei Fuchai 213 (black) limitless Plus RDTA (green) i first got into vaping purely because of the the flavour and the...
  10. Wolf365

