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  1. Silverback


    Its really heartening and messed up that people are having these similar experiences. I'm JHB based, so as I said earlier, I've had the chance to pop into a good few stores. By far the worst culprit personally is Vaperite. I had a massive issue with their Melrose store a couple of months back...
  2. Silverback


    Hi guys :hi:! First off, sorry if this thread is in the wrong place. I figured this would be the best subforum to put this out there as I'd like feedback from the stores themselves and the community at large. But if it has to be moved, I understand. I have several issues with the level of...
  3. Silverback

    Reuleaux Make Over

    Anything more specific than "a place"? :P
  4. Silverback

    Reuleaux Make Over

    Mine looking pretty weathered too, would be keen to find someone in jhb.