battery wrap

  1. jamesvapes_sa

    Battery Wrap

    Any store selling clear battery wraps 18650 / 20700 / 21700? Or anyone know where I can get please give me a shout.
  2. Downtown Vapoury

    Battery Wrap 20700/21700

    LINK : Battery Wrap 20700/21700 Add some personality to your 20700/21700 batteries with these wraps. Single 20700/21700 battery wrap. Cut to size, simply fit over battery and...
  3. Power Vapes SA

    Tesiyi Double Wrap Removed

    Hi Guys, So far I've encountered a few posts where people have stated that their mods don't fit the Tesiyi 18650 batteries due to being double wrapped. I had a few people suggest that I should remove the 'clear' wrap but after I finally decided to remove the cover I realise there is no clear...