Nailed it Cream Me MTL 30ML
Cookies, cereal and cream
Mixed up Tony's Revenge - Frosted Flakes
Since then I've been addicted to Cereal 27, I would drink it if I could. Anyways, I'm looking for more tried, tested and favourite cereal recipes that don't have...
Hey guys
For me as a vaper I have found that the majority vapes fruity stuff, I on the other hand love cereal profiles, about 6 months to a year ago the smok stand had a cinnamon doughnut that also hit my proverbial vape spot, I am looking for something along these lines
Popcorn (but...
You will go mad. No, you will actually go mad, so let's have some psychiatrists on standby while we're at it. And as you're being attended to, you can tell them all about how Mad Man E liquid drove you mad because it is crazy good. I mean, fruit circled cereal soaked in pasteurized 2% non-fat...