coffee time

  1. Hooked

    Fat Panda - Juice Reviews

    FAT PANDA – HOT SIPS (COFFEE TIME) - MOCHA LATTE (Canada) N.B. The name of the juice on my bottle states “COFFEE TIME”, but on Fat Panda’s website it is called “HOT SIPS”. I also saw a post by Fat Panda on FB, where the juice is referred to as “Hot Sips (Coffee Time)” so it appears that...
  2. Hooked

    TKO - Juice Reviews

    TKO - Coffee Time Local Purchased from: Sir Vape Price: R242 Flavour Description: “A steamy Cup of all day Latte” VG/PG: 70/30 Nic: 6mg Mod: iJust 3 Coil: Commercial - Kanthal Net and Multihole HW-M 0.15 ohm Watt: 80W My comments: Ooooohhh this is absolutely delicious! What struck me...