
  1. method1

    Mr. Hardwick's: ENYAWREKLAW One Shots @ Vapecon

    We will have a selection of new ENYAWREKLAW one-shots available at Vapecon with special pricing for the day. 30ml sizes will make 180-300ml of e-liquid. Rose Milk Obsidian Honeydewwey Milk Tea Triple C's Cuprian Rosky Milk Funfetti OG Come and meet the man himself & pick up the best deal in...
  2. DizZa

    Enyawreklaw and The Flavour Mill

    Fellow Ecigssa forumites, As you guys know we were the first to offer the Buy by Recipe option, for those who don't know what it is here is a brief explanation: Loads of DIY'ers buy concentrates to mix certain well known tried and tested recipes, this led to The Flavour Mill wanting to make...
  3. boxerulez

    enyawreklaw-concentrates from VapeChem

    Now this got my attention, Been wondering if there are premix concentrates out there for a while. Maybe more local vapechefs can get into the habit of offering premix concentrates. https://www.vapechem.co.za/collections/enyawreklaw-concentrates Anyone out there used this yet?