
  1. fbb1964

    Why ignore evidence in the debate about e-cigarettes?

    Why ignore evidence in the debate about e-cigarettes? Juul produces research, as well as e-cigarettes Last month, a scientific journal published a peer-reviewed study with encouraging news for anyone concerned by the toll that smoking takes on people’s health. The study in the American...
  2. Dela Rey Steyn

    Vaping in England: 2020 evidence update summary

    The summary article can be read below, and I've attached the full report in PDF format. I always keep the UK studies on hand for when someone tries to throw all their FB and Internet anti-vaping propaganda at me. I just send them the full 200-page report and tell them to come back when they've...
  3. mrh

    Nicotine Protective against Covid - Evidence mounts

  4. Alex

    Smoking, vaping and the coronavirus (COVID-19) epidemic: rumors vs. evidence

    Smoking, vaping and the coronavirus (COVID-19) epidemic: rumors vs. evidence Monday, 09 March 2020 17:31 By Dr Farsalinos One of the main issues that many people, especially vapers, are discussing concerning the coronavirus epidemic is about the effects of e-cigarette use (and smoking) on the...
  5. Alex

    E-Cigarettes and Your Lungs – What the Evidence Says

    E-Cigarettes and Your Lungs – What the Evidence Says Categories: health Add your comment 17 September Whether lurking in the comments section of a vaping-related news story or in a beer-soaked pub conversation, most vapers will eventually encounter the piece of folk wisdom that: inhaling...