give up smoking

  1. TheBoredvApe

    How Can I Convince a Long-Time Smoker that Vape is Safe

    Hi everyone, I have a family member who has been smoking for several decades. No kidding, we're talking 40+ years. I feel like Vaping might be a healthier solution for them, but they are adamant that vaping is: a) more dangerous than smoking (vape=aerosol) b) the device is going to explode...
  2. Hooked

    E-Cigarettes are twice as effective as NRT

    OLIVER KERSHAW / JANUARY 31, 2019 Founder of and co-founder of "A study published today in the New England Journal of Medicine has found that e-cigarettes are almost twice as effective as NRT in helping smokers remain abstinent from cigarettes. The study team...