
  1. YeOldeOke

    Clearance Sale 30ml Chubby Gorilla Unicorn

    Clearance Sale. Genuine Chubby Gorilla 30ml Unicorn Only R3.49 ea! Overstocked - Surplus to our requirements https://alldayvapes.co.za/product/30ml-chubby-gorilla-unicorn-bottle/
  2. YeOldeOke

    Chubby Gorillas - Which do you prefer?

    Please help us decide. Does it matter, and are there pros/cons for you? Your opinion much appreciated!
  3. S

    Chubby Gorilla Disposable Drip Tips

    Hi, where could I find chubby gorilla disposable drip tips in South Africa?
  4. S

    Chubby Gorilla Disposable Drip Tips

    Where could I find chubby gorilla disposable drip tips on South Africa?
  5. NOOB

    Chubby Gorilla alternative

    Morning Vape Fam. Does anyone possibly have some advice on a "softer" alternative for the Chubby Gorilla style juice bottle? I have been battling with sore wrists for about a year now and it seems to be getting worse, to the point where I am having trouble refilling the old squonk bottle. I...
  6. StompieZA

    60ml Chubby Gorilla Bottle x 1 New wanted - Sandton/woodmead

    Hi Guys, I placed an order for bottles yesterday with BLCK but need another 60ml today. Anyone know where i can a new 60ml chubby gorilla around woodmead, sandton, sunnighill? The vape industry sells 30mls but not 60mls?
  7. Rob Fisher

    Who hates Gorilla Bottles?

    OMG I hate the Gorilla and Unicorn Bottles so much... yes they look all kewl etc but the way the mess drives me up the bloody wall! I like to use the Coilmaster 521 Plus Tab for building and wicking and it's not cheap... I have already lost two of them to juice spills... and my 3rd one is not...
  8. zadiac

    Unicorn style large soft squeeze bottles

    So I ordered these https://www.aliexpress.com/item/60ml-120ml-Soft-Plastic-Bottles-E-Cig-Vape-Juice-PE-Translucent-Pen-Shape-Bottle-With-CRC/32848440535.html?spm=a2g0s.9042311.0.0.5a804c4du7tqkM from AlieExpress and received them earlier this week. I am over the moon! These bottles are high...
  9. kimbo

    Chubby Gorilla PET Bottles

    Item wanted: Chubby Gorilla PET Bottles Price Preference:N/A Condition:empty Age of the item: N/A Location of item:N/A Delivery/Collection:I will pay courier Reason:Need Picture here:
  10. L

    Chubby Gorilla Bottles in Cape Town?

    Title says it all. Does anybody know where I can get chubby bottles in Cape Town?
  11. Downtown Vapoury


    OVERVIEW No matter what you plan on using this product for ,you need us to keep your liquids safe, keep them from leaking, and make sure that when you unscrew the easy-open lid that the contents come out exactly as you expect.This is the ideal pocket size bottle. # Slim, Convenient, Travel-Easy...