When it comes to vaping safety the media is always quick to sensationalize stories about violent vape explosions, but are vaping devices really dangerous?
The truth is that while vapes can catch on fire and in extreme situations explode, the frequency of this type of occurrence is very low...
Just making the thread to discuss high-end gear maintenance and general looking after... in anticipation of the New Hellfire Titan being released soon, I decided to bring the Hellfire Phantoms out to play with...
The Delrin Phantom gets Petroleum Jelly.
The Stab Wood Phantom gets Renaissance...
Well Juma is way more resilient than stab wood but if you like me and hold your mod in your hand all day it eventually starts to dull a bit and requires some maintenance.
I checked with the modmaker and he said they use a polishing wheel... so I figured I could use my Dremel... I have polishing...
Hi Guys,
So after having so many issues with my 1 week old driptech giving firing issues, the issues i experienced was miss fires and the mod not hitting as hard. This video has sorted all my issues.
*The video was made by the designer of the mod
Hello fellow vapers
First of all i hope this is the correct place for the thread. As you can see from the title i am busy with some long over due maintenance of my regulated mod the SXmini Q-class.
I need help with the disassembly of this mod as the screws seem to be stuck(just very tight) to...