
  1. Hooked

    Oplus - Juice Reviews

    Oplus – Mocha Latte Flavour Description: "based on espresso and milk, but with added chocolate, typically in the form of sweet cocoa powder." VG/PG: 70/30 Nic: 6mg Mod: Pico 25 Coil: Commercial 0.3 ohm Watt: 30W My comment: I love Mocha and I was looking forward to this one, but what a...
  2. kOekIes

    Opus 6mg e liquid..

    So not that experienced in vaping yet.. Only been vaping for about 6 months. Currently using joyetech ego one mega atty and battery with clr coils built at 0.5ohm. Trying out different brands of juice trying to find my favourite. Get all my stuff from a eciggies agent in p.e. Because I don't...