
  1. Vape Vision

    Vaping vs Smoking: Comprehensive Report from World Vape Center, China

    As global calls for smoking bans increase, scrutiny around e-cigarettes intensifies with many negative reports about their safety. Amidst a backdrop of growing regulatory pressure, this analysis aims to explore the realities of e-cigarettes versus traditional cigarettes, utilizing data primarily...
  2. Silver

    It’s never too late to quit

    Came across this great video done in Yorkshire about demystifying vaping Its a year old, but it’s very good The UK is very pro Vaping as a means to quit smoking and this video shows why Their public health executives, researchers and thought leaders are doing it right I liked what Clive Bates...
  3. Vaping Saved My Life

    If we tax vaping, we’ll just keep smokers smoking

    To impose such a tax now is tantamount to depriving South African smokers and vapers of an opportunity to collectively define the place of ENDS, with the government, in the fight to reduce smoking. Government must be sensible; tobacco harm reduction is a sensible strategy to reduce harm to...
  4. univapo

    Smoking Cessation Tool

    According to John Hopkins Medicine’s article about “Vaping Facts You Need To Know.” Electronic cigarettes aren’t the best smoking cessation tool compared to other types of NRT (nicotine replacement therapy). The reason behind that is e cigarettes have not received approval as a smoking...
  5. Hooked

    On this day ... Link between Smoking and Lung Cancer "1957 | Great Britain Smoking and Lung Cancer Linked." [1957 ... yet people still smoke. Incredible, isn't it?]
  6. fbb1964

    E Cigarettes On the NHS In Bid To Stub Out Smoking E Cigarettes On the NHS In Bid To Stub Out Smoking UK Government Given 12 Step Plan To Create A Smoke Free Britain By Neil Humber - June 9, 2021 An all party group of UK MPs wants e-cigarettes given out by the NHS to smokers desperate to...
  7. fbb1964

    To Increase Smoking Rates Among Young Adults, Keep Hiking Vape Taxes To Increase Smoking Rates Among Young Adults, Keep Hiking Vape Taxes Lindsey Stroud April 20, 2021 Across the country, local and state lawmakers are proposing to enact new taxes and/or increasing existing excise taxes on e-cigarettes. Some...
  8. fbb1964

    Why Africa must embrace science rather than ideology in fight against smoking Why Africa must embrace science rather than ideology in fight against smoking Despite effort by Africa in achieving some of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), reducing...
  9. Hooked

    Smoking and Vaping Dual Use 2 March 2021 "In 2019, Glantz claimed(1) that “the data are catching up with public perception” that vaping presents increased risks to dual use smokers because of “an aerosol of ultrafine particles and other...
  10. fbb1964

    Lower Taxes for Less Harmful Nicotine Products Will Reduce Smoking Rates – Dr Kgosi Letlape

    Some South African vaping news.. February 22, 2021 Dr Kgosi Letlape Smoking cigarettes is the most harmful form of consuming nicotine and it is the duty of...
  11. fbb1964

    The Great Australian Smoking Grant Racket! The Great Australian Smoking Grant Racket! by Pippa Starr 21 February 2021 It's no secret smoking kills more people in Australia each year than any other cause. In fact the amount of people dying from a smoking...
  12. Hooked

    Milan: Outdoor Vaping allowed; smoking is not The local government had brought in a new outdoor smoking ban, however e-cigarettes are exempt!" The no smoking rule means smokers won’t be able to light up in parks – bus stops or even cemeteries! The council says the ban has come in to...
  13. YeOldeOke

    Vaping as a smoking cessation tool

    Very few things in life are absolutes. Vaping works as a smoking cessation tool. Ja well, it does. Sometimes. For some folks. With varying degrees of ease, pain and/or commitment. Some relapse quickly, some relapse after a while, some never relapse. Vaping is the best cessation tool since...
  14. Hooked

    Best ways to quit smoking 13 Jan. 2021 "Dr Jamie Hartmann-Boyce, managing editor of Cochrane Tobacco Addiction Group and senior research fellow of the University of Oxford, will...
  15. BoboVA

    Hope this little thing will help me quit smoking

    I got this little disposable pod from Univapo Vape with 3 different flvours:Mango ice, Classic Tobacco, Blueberry Parfait. Mango ice is actually pretty tasty but very frosty :) It's an aluminum body and very lightweight. Drop it in the shirt pocket and you barely know it's there, very similar...
  16. The eCigStore


    Happy Sunday Veeps @tasteknockout Milk LOVE IT ❤️ Yes You Know you making a positive difference in the community, SMOKING.. WANNA GIVE UP... ASK US HOW! *Embracing New Technology *Always Learning no matter the age *Nothing is impossible when YOU want to achieve the best quality of LIFE.. Visit...
  17. LeislB

    Ban on "smoking" in public places

    Hi all. So it's sounding like this is going to become a thing. While I don't like to be around smokers and inhaling second hand smoke this umbrella could cover us as well. Any ideas where one could comment or at least voice an opinion. Would like to do something before it's too late. I think...
  18. vapeandacrepe

    Smokers Unite (8 July) - Protest against smoking vaping ban

    These protests are being coordinated by multiple people in various cities across the country for July 8 at 7am. More information and links to localized organizing groups. "INFO FOR 8 JULY * Make sure you are there by 7 am * Dress warmly * Wear a...
  19. C

    Smoking and vaping banned in restaurants and pubs Translated excerpt: "Phaala also says the new tobacco legislation will not only be limited to cigarettes. It will also apply to electronic cigarettes and related products so that they...
  20. Silver

    Smoking and COVID - more risk not less

    Saw this interesting article from New Scientist What they are saying is that smoking is actually more risky to lead to severe COVID not less risky. The stats that suggest its less...