When Eastern Delights meets the Southern Spice...Vaping Uniting the World ️️️️️️️️️
A collaboration @jooseeliqz and @decadentclouds inspired by The trade agreements in 1497 uniting the Indian and Atlantic Oceans by Dutch East India Company bringing the Indian Spice to South Africa.
Firni – a...
Amazing to think how far vaping has come over the past few years.
There are so many different varieties of setups and vaping styles:
"Pico and SubTank Mini" type of vape
iJust3 tube mod vape
Mouth to lung vaping (several types of devices and gear for this)
Pods - simple no fuss
Introducing 'Khan': Fragrant white rice, slow-braised in aromatic coconut-cream, and garnished with opulent slices of sweet-scented litchi.
More details to be announced shortly!