united kingdom

  1. Silver

    Waitrose stops selling single-use vaping products

    This recent article caught my eye Waitrose is a large British supermarket chain. Quite a bold move. Will be interesting to see if others follow suit. I've reproduced the text of the article below Link to original article is here...
  2. Silver

    It’s never too late to quit

    Came across this great video done in Yorkshire about demystifying vaping Its a year old, but it’s very good The UK is very pro Vaping as a means to quit smoking and this video shows why Their public health executives, researchers and thought leaders are doing it right I liked what Clive Bates...
  3. Hooked

    Two U.K. Hospitals Allow Vape Shops

    Two U.K. Hospitals Allow Vape Shops in Bid to Promote Smoking Ban https://www.nytimes.com/2019/07/10/world/europe/uk-hospitals-vaping-shops.html 10 July 2020 "LONDON — Two hospitals in England have allowed an e-cigarette company to open vape shops on their premises as part of a move by the...