vape resolutions

  1. Silver

    What are your 2018 vape resolutions?

    Cant believe how fast 2017 went! What are your vape resolutions for 2018 - or your vape plans / goals I will start Commence DIY - and try make one or two ADVs that I like a lot Continue to reorganise my vape cave - it does need more cleaning up and putting away of things i dont use much...
  2. Silver

    New year Vape resolutions for 2016

    A year is a long time but here are my "vape goals" for 2016 To try sample lots of new delicious local juices. I am way behind here ;-) To properly test temp control. To get a P67 (new Reo model) and maybe the O16 atty that haunts me To refresh my battery fleet. Jeepers, thats going to cost a...