56hrs no vape in sight but...


Vaporous Maximus
Weskus Kind
*not sure if this is the right place this, feel free to move it.
Incoming Rant/Epiphany!

So Ive been without my beloved ecig for about 56hrs and have been on the stickies since then, it sucks but Ive noticed even more on how vaping is absolutely fantastic. I love the fact that I could vape as much as i liked without feeling like I was poisoning my body, the last 56hrs feels as if i am medicating myself with death. I love the fact that when i was satisfied after a vape or two, I could put the device down and not feel like Im 'wasting' anything like I do with a half finished stinky. I love that my room doesn't smell like an ashtray!! I love the fact that I can vape a tobacco flavor in the morning and then switch over to Boba's for a game change of epic proportions. I love that I could chain vape and still fee fantastic enough to go play a game of footi with the lads. I love vaping so much that I have developed a sense of pride about it....Its that awesome!

Rant/Epiphany over, stay awesome ;-)

@ShaneW By the way bro, thank you for hooking me up with the magic that is Boba's haha You can expect a couple of orders from the WKK crew:rock:
dude! like i said in the other thread... just give me a hollar, i'm sure i can help you out with some goods to hold you over for a bit till you are able to get some stuff from a supplier, just shout :)
Stay away from them stinkies... :(
Thanks Liz :) If all else fails I'll have to drive through to your neck of the woods, so i'll definitely give you a shout, besides I need Just B in my life:rock:
no worries bud, i have some kanthal and rayon i'm willing to share, as well as a mpt3 to lend for a while with some spare coils if you prefer that rather :rock:
wow awesome, i shouldve just drove straight to tableview when i saw the sh@t hit the fan:-D
I tried an analog a couple weeks back, just out of curiosity. Wow, i t felt like i was sucking on a burning twig with newspaper wrapped around it. I felt permeated by the smoke for hours afterwards, like as though i'd been standing next to a bond fire for hours on end.