Advice/Help: Stubby RDTA


Elite Vaper
Istanbul, Turkey
Hey guys,
I figured I'd reach out instead of suffering in silence.

I've always liked the idea of a boro device but was never really committed until the release of the stubby - there was just something about the form factor, looks, convenience etc. that made me convince myself I needed one.:rofl:(shout out to @Just.dave99 for the flawless mod).

Since acquiring one however, it hasn't really lived up the hype (flavour-wise). That said, I am not ready to give up on it and would ask for any help regarding coils and wicking.

I have tried a few 3.0mm ID coils and thought they might be too large, etc. (after watching all the reviews, most use a 2.5mm ID alien). I most recently bought a set of 2.5mm ID "Juicy Lucy" coils from BVC. I however were met with the same results: no dry hits, not leaking, just severely muted flavour.

Any help/advice here would be appreciated.


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Hi @ace_d_house_cat, You seem to be doing everything right. What juice are you using? With that very similar setup and Red Pill I was impressed with it.
Looking at the pics, I see a fair distance between the coil and the air intake at the bottom. Try lower the coil closer. I would also try a plain wire build with Ni80 to give you a comparison against an exotic.
Although a totally different thing, I struggled in the beginning with my OG Blotto. I could not get the coil placing right, the wicking was all wrong. It was frustrating. Once you get it right though it becomes very satisfying. Good luck
Although a totally different thing, I struggled in the beginning with my OG Blotto. I could not get the coil placing right, the wicking was all wrong. It was frustrating. Once you get it right though it becomes very satisfying. Good luck
The same with my Reload 24 - it either leaked or it didn't seem worth the money (flavour etc.) but once I got it right it came into a league of its own.
Looking at the pics, I see a fair distance between the coil and the air intake at the bottom. Try lower the coil closer. I would also try a plain wire build with Ni80 to give you a comparison against an exotic.
Agreed. Lower the coil & maybe thin out the cotton a bit
Although a totally different thing, I struggled in the beginning with my OG Blotto. I could not get the coil placing right, the wicking was all wrong. It was frustrating. Once you get it right though it becomes very satisfying. Good luck
Agreed. Lower the coil & maybe thin out the cotton a bit
What they said
Hey guys,

I've tried a few different coils. different placement, a few different wicking methods, a few different juices, etc. but still cannot get decent flavour out of this RDTA.
The form factor of this stubby is just too nice and too convenient to give up on. I think I'm just going to purchase a boro (leaning towards an Ether) and move on in life.

Hey guys,
I figured I'd reach out instead of suffering in silence.

I've always liked the idea of a boro device but was never really committed until the release of the stubby - there was just something about the form factor, looks, convenience etc. that made me convince myself I needed one.:rofl:(shout out to @Just.dave99 for the flawless mod).

Since acquiring one however, it hasn't really lived up the hype (flavour-wise). That said, I am not ready to give up on it and would ask for any help regarding coils and wicking.

I have tried a few 3.0mm ID coils and thought they might be too large, etc. (after watching all the reviews, most use a 2.5mm ID alien). I most recently bought a set of 2.5mm ID "Juicy Lucy" coils from BVC. I however were met with the same results: no dry hits, not leaking, just severely muted flavour.

Any help/advice here would be appreciated.

If you look at the video below, Grimms coil is considerably lower than yours ... I'd suggest turning your coil upside down, (legs up), and getting it as close to that bottom airflow as you can ;)

If you look at the video below, Grimms coil is considerably lower than yours ... I'd suggest turning your coil upside down, (legs up), and getting it as close to that bottom airflow as you can ;)

After posting here I went and watched all the Stubby videos I could find on YT including this one.
I've tried a few coils and lowered them to about 1-2mm above the airflow and although the draw has tightened up a bit, there still isn't any improvement in flavour. I guess I'll wait to see what happens after my Ether arrives.
After posting here I went and watched all the Stubby videos I could find on YT including this one.
I've tried a few coils and lowered them to about 1-2mm above the airflow and although the draw has tightened up a bit, there still isn't any improvement in flavour. I guess I'll wait to see what happens after my Ether arrives.
I too have had a few devices that haven't worked for me at first, and ... I'm stubborn that way ... I make em' work! ... even remachining parts at times, and ... the offers open if you want to spend a day in my lab ... tweaking that sucker to perfection, (or at least to acceptability).
I too have had a few devices that haven't worked for me at first, and ... I'm stubborn that way ... I make em' work! ... even remachining parts at times, and ... the offers open if you want to spend a day in my lab ... tweaking that sucker to perfection, (or at least to acceptability).
I have already bought the Ether RBA - I really hope it will solve my problem here (and is more forgiving).

Thanks for the offer, I would have taken you up on it but I have emigrated so it might be a tad to far to pop by!
I have already bought the Ether RBA - I really hope it will solve my problem here (and is more forgiving).

Thanks for the offer, I would have taken you up on it but I have emigrated so it might be a tad to far to pop by!
I saw the Istanbul change, and thought you we're jus' pulling our chains :think:

Seeing as you you have the device, why don't we try a "remote control" erm ... tweaking of it, and publish the results here ;) ... the bonus being you have the Ether to compare it to :--)
I haven't tried your device, however, as it's received rave reviews, I'm leaning towards the muted flavour you report as being either a build or a manufacturing @#$% up that I'm sure is resolvable ... all things equal ... your muted flavour points towards a vape saturation issue, (or rather the lack thereof).
I saw the Istanbul change, and thought you we're jus' pulling our chains :think:

Seeing as you you have the device, why don't we try a "remote control" erm ... tweaking of it, and publish the results here ;) ... the bonus being you have the Ether to compare it to :--)
I haven't tried your device, however, as it's received rave reviews, I'm leaning towards the muted flavour you report as being either a build or a manufacturing @#$% up that I'm sure is resolvable ... all things equal ... your muted flavour points towards a vape saturation issue, (or rather the lack thereof).
I thought the same but whenever I've pulled it out the wicks don't ever look starved for juice.

Oh well, my Ether boro gets here this weekend, I will post the results here, hopefully it was worth the money.
I thought the same but whenever I've pulled it out the wicks don't ever look starved for juice.

Oh well, my Ether boro gets here this weekend, I will post the results here, hopefully it was worth the money.
Could you please post some pics of the Stubby's deck and chamber, (unwicked / uncoiled), as I'd like to plot it's characteristics ... If you could provide key measurements too, it'd help :--)