Payment Methods Accepted: EFT
Packaging: Most of them
Authentic/Clone: Authentic unless stated otherwise
Location: Pretoria
Reason: Cleaning out
Shipping: Pudo on buyer
If items are taken in combos I can negotiate prices. Just hit me up with a DM
I’ll sent out some more pictures of items missing on the list
- Black Raga AIO - R1500 9/10
- Tita AIO Dot POM White- R900 9/10
- Amp BB - R1300 9/10
- XO Tank Grey - R650 10/10
- Protocol Shift Hybrid - R250 6/10
- SSPP Clear BB Panels - R850 8/10
- Bb mother of pearl button - R250 8/10
- Pinhead RBA - R1750
- Assortment boro tanks R350 for the lot
- Rekavapke MNCH dlc Duck Sceptre Clone - R500 9/10
- Assorted Bearded Viking drip tips @ R120 each
- Gaur18 - R500
- Troll X Rta - R200
- Blotto 1,5 - R400
Payment Methods Accepted: EFT
Packaging: Most of them
Authentic/Clone: Authentic unless stated otherwise
Location: Pretoria
Reason: Cleaning out
Shipping: Pudo on buyer
If items are taken in combos I can negotiate prices. Just hit me up with a DM
I’ll sent out some more pictures of items missing on the list