There appears to be some serious butt hurt around, especially on facebook, regarding our prices. Generally I'm not the type to get involved in low-level hysterics, but I do feel I need to say something.
Much of this I haven't said before on open forum as I am not into running things and people down.
The main attack follows the line that in order to provide juices at our prices we HAVE to be using inferior ingredients. And a few other things. Everything, in fact, other than a superior business model.
!) As previously stated, we have access to a clean room facility at very reasonable cost.
2) We do not use TFA, Capella etc. (basically all American flavourings) because many of them tend to fade. Same with local flavourings. (This is my experience DIY'ing since 2009, and I know I'll step on some toes saying it. Which is why until now I have not said it in open forum). We only use FlavourArt and Inawera for their (IMHO) superior characteristics.
3) To be open, these flavourings, shipped and landed directly from manufacturer, costs us < R2.00/ml typically. This can be substantiated with invoices. These flavourings, unlike the American ones, mix at <10% (hence our premixes formulated to mix at a standard 10%)
So a 30ml bottle of juice contains < 3ml flavouring. That is less than R6.
To try and reduce this by a rand or two with inferior flavouring on a bottle that sells at R65 (our price) or R160 retail is stupidity of the highest order. Even more so for the PG and VG.
Our nicotine, which is charged for separately, is Prime-Nic, the best in SA.
Clearly, anyone who makes the charge of inferior ingredients to reduce price is either ignorant or malicious. Or has absolutely no business sense.
Btw, we are trying to start a facebook page
Neither of us are facebook types, so know nothing about it. Any tips are very much welcomed.
Much of this I haven't said before on open forum as I am not into running things and people down.
The main attack follows the line that in order to provide juices at our prices we HAVE to be using inferior ingredients. And a few other things. Everything, in fact, other than a superior business model.
!) As previously stated, we have access to a clean room facility at very reasonable cost.
2) We do not use TFA, Capella etc. (basically all American flavourings) because many of them tend to fade. Same with local flavourings. (This is my experience DIY'ing since 2009, and I know I'll step on some toes saying it. Which is why until now I have not said it in open forum). We only use FlavourArt and Inawera for their (IMHO) superior characteristics.
3) To be open, these flavourings, shipped and landed directly from manufacturer, costs us < R2.00/ml typically. This can be substantiated with invoices. These flavourings, unlike the American ones, mix at <10% (hence our premixes formulated to mix at a standard 10%)
So a 30ml bottle of juice contains < 3ml flavouring. That is less than R6.
To try and reduce this by a rand or two with inferior flavouring on a bottle that sells at R65 (our price) or R160 retail is stupidity of the highest order. Even more so for the PG and VG.
Our nicotine, which is charged for separately, is Prime-Nic, the best in SA.
Clearly, anyone who makes the charge of inferior ingredients to reduce price is either ignorant or malicious. Or has absolutely no business sense.
Btw, we are trying to start a facebook page
Neither of us are facebook types, so know nothing about it. Any tips are very much welcomed.
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