Item for Sale :- Amber Mods Dropbox V2 DNA75 18650 #27
Selling Price :- R6,000 <-- Real Deal!
Condition :- Brand New (Bought in Paris and test fired once)
Age of the item :- 1 month
Clone or Authentic :- Authentic
Location of item :- Duirban
Delivery/Collection :- Courier (Included in the price)
Reason for sale:- Culling the herd and would rather someone get the joy of a mod I'm not using.
Selling Price :- R6,000 <-- Real Deal!
Condition :- Brand New (Bought in Paris and test fired once)
Age of the item :- 1 month
Clone or Authentic :- Authentic
Location of item :- Duirban
Delivery/Collection :- Courier (Included in the price)
Reason for sale:- Culling the herd and would rather someone get the joy of a mod I'm not using.