Hi Ecigssa members, In this review i take a look at he Pumper 18 Squonk Box Mod from Asmodus. The Pumper 18 Squonk Box Mod was supplied for the purpose of this review by Saly from Asmodus.

Asmodus, who brought us the loved by many Mimikin are an affordable High End manufacturer from America who produce mid to high end products without the crazy price tag. In this review i take a look at the Pumper 18 which is a squonk device and adaptation of 2 previously released devices. The Pumper 18 is a much more ergonomic version of the semi-mechanical Luna with the same chip providing numerous safety features. The Pumper also incorporates Asmodus' unique pump feed system, based on the Asmodus Spruzza's pump system SSS (smart siphon system). The Pumper 18 accommodates a single 18650 battery and is a gorgeous looking portable squonk device with each one due to the nature of stabilized wood being unique, Let's give it a look!
In The Box

1 x Asmodus Pumper 18 80W Squonk Box Mod
1 x User Manual

Aesthetics and Ergonomics
The Pumper 18 is packaged in a simple but nice looking flip open cardboard box with padded compartment for the gorgeous looking stab wood mod. The device i received had a small round Red sticker on the front of the box indicating the dominant colour is Red but the devices themselves are 1 of 1 numbered devices with each one being unique. The device has a 304 Stainless Steel plate top and bottom with the main body being natural (not polished or oiled) stabilized wood which looks like it was made from one solid block (very nice)! The device has very rounded sides and is as portable as any squonk device i have used, also being stabilised wood it's not too heavy so with battery and full squonk bottle it's a very comfortable weight in the hand. On the front we have the fire button which sits flush and has the Asmodus logo carved into it, also on the front to the opposite side towards the top is a little LED indicator light. On one edge we have an open slot which allows for the movement of the squonk lever and viewing the e-liquid level in the bottle, the distance between the fire button and squonk lever is quite close allowing for thumb firing leaving your index finger in a natural position to operate the lever. After saying that it is a right handed set-up so when switching to the left hand the process of firing and squonking is more awkward. On the base we have what looks like two of the old school unscrew-able caps, one actually being the base of your squonk bottle assembly, the other which has cutout sections for venting is for your battery instalment. Moving to the top, to one side we have a flush 510 plate with spring loaded BF 510 connector. The 304 Stainless Steel sections on my device are indeed coloured Silver but some devices come with Gold coloured plates. Most places this is available including from Asmodus themselves each one in stock is individually numbered and pictured so you can choose exactly which one really floats your boat. The Pumper 18 has a real high end look and feel to it but is a third of the price you might expect to normally have to pay.

Pumper 18 Specs and Features:
Minimum Resistance: 0.1ohm
Maximum Resistance: 3.0ohm
chipset: UL-80-JX
Max Output: 80W
Output Current: 27A
Standby Working Current: 50UA
Output Voltage Range: 3.3-4.2V
LED Light Indicator
Materials: Stabilized Wood, 304 Stainless Steel Construction
8ml Squonk Bottle - Proprietary Pump System
Circle Firing Mechanism - asMODus Logo
Bottom-Loaded Battery Cap
Negative Polarity
Work Overtime Protection
Overheat Protection
Atomizer Short Protection
Low Voltage Protection
Squonk-Ready Bottom-Feeding Section
510 Connection
Single 18650 High-Amp Battery - Not Included
Colours: 1 of 1 (unique)

This is a semi regulated vape device, by pushing the fire button you complete a circuit that directly runs power from your battery through the device and into your RDA. I do not advise under any circumstances for a semi regulated device to be used without a thorough knowledge and understanding of battery safety, battery output and Ohm's law.
Pumper 18 / 21
I am reviewing the Pumper 18 but Asmodus have also released the Pumper 21 which instead of accommodating an 18650 accommodates either a 21700 or 20700 battery. Those that prefer using 2x700 batteries obviously would be more interested in the Pumper 21 and others would quite correctly point out an 18650 adaptor could be used allowing the Pumper 21 to also accommodate an 18650. I must admit my choice would be the Pumper 21 but their are many vapers who don't like change when it comes to batteries and have no interest in using any other batteries than 18650's (i am not criticising this in the slightest, in fact quite understand their are many things in life i prefer to just stick to what i know and trust). Those that only use 18650 batteries with the Pumper 18 can take advantage of it's slightly smaller size, everyone's a winner!

Fitting Your Battery
The Pumper 18 has an old school style screw-in cap which both is the negative contact and keeps the battery in place. The cap has 2 cutouts one each side allowing for venting so simply get hold of the centre section and unscrew. These style caps are hated by some while others still love them, yes it takes some time to unscrew but they eliminate the possibility of damaging your wraps.

The Squonk Assembly
The Squonk Assembly is the same system as used on the Spruzza "the smart siphon system", i haven't used the Spruzza but i am led to believe the system has been modified on the Pumper. To remove the squonk system assembly on the base of the device we have what looks like an old school style screw cap but actually is spring loaded to the base of the bottle. The cap has two notches so you press the cap in which lines the notches up with a rail then just a quarter turn allows the whole assembly to be pulled free. On the top of the lid of the assembly their is a protruding pipe that fits through a cutout in the lever that attaches to the pipe inside the device so removing and installing the assembly is very quick and easy it is just a matter of removing as described and then just pushing in place when the bottle is filled. In a later section i will talk about how the system performs but my only issue with the system is around filling. To fill simply lift the lever up and pull the protruding top section which includes the protruding pipe already mentioned. The section that goes into the bottle is a tube with a large metal surround with just the end of the tubing protruding. This means their is a lot of surface area for e-liquid to cling to so when removing can be a bit messy, also when filling you need to judge leaving quite a bit of space in the bottle to allow for the volume this section takes up when inserting. Of course when you have filled the bottle 3 or 4 times you know exactly how much e-liquid to put in the bottle but during the trial and error period twice i had e-liquid everywhere. The last thing worth mentioning is the specs has the squonk bottle having a 8ml capacity but this is misleading as yes the bottle does hold that but this doesn't allow for the insertion of the tubing assembly so realistically you are looking at about 6.5ml, finally all metal parts on the assembly are 304 Stainless Steel.

Operating The Pumper 18
The Pumper 18 is a semi-mechanical squonk device which has a small PCB which gives the device plenty of safety features to allow a mech like experience while staying safe. The safety features include only allowing the device to fire when detecting resistances between 0.1ohm - 3.0ohm. Other safety protections include Negative Polarity Protection, Low Voltage Protection, Over-vape Protection (10 seconds) and Short Circuit Protection, all these protections if they kick in are indicated by various flashes in various colours of the LED. The device also has overheat protection so if the device goes over 85 degrees it will automatically shut down. The device can be turned on and off with 5 clicks of the fire button, when turning off the LED indicator lights Blue for 2 seconds to confirm and when turning on the indicator lights green for 2 seconds. As the device operates as a mechanical mod the wattage can't be adjusted, you simply press the fire button and vape. while the fire button is pressed the LED lights green and apart from the LED flashing Red and not firing when the battery get's below 3.3v (low voltage protection) there is no battery status indication. To squonk all you need to do is pull down the lever which injects a small dose of e-liquid through the BF connector into the base of your atomizer.

My Experience Using The Pumper 18
What a gorgeous device to both look at and handle, ergonomically for right hand vaping it's spot on. I am right handed but tend to vape using my left but i just naturally switched hands while using the Pumper and i think most vapers don't have issues with using the other hand if a particular device feels so much more natural to use that way. The fire button sits flush but the texture of the carved Asmodus logo makes it easy enough to find and it gives a nice click with a short travel. The device fires instantly and gives a great low to mid wattage vape but of course being direct output the power does weaken as the voltage on the battery drops. As for power output not sure if the 80W max the device is marketed at is because there is a safety cap feature on the chip or just that is all with a 0.1ohm build (lowest resistance the chip will allow) with fresh battery the device is capable of, i would imagine performance would be improved further with the Pumper 21 using a 21700 battery but i loved using the Pumper 18 which gave a fantastic vape. Apart from filling the bottle that could be a bit messy the squonk system works really well, the lever protrudes from the slot just enough for easy operation without over protruding. When squonking the system gives quick small doses of liquid (less than when pressing a bottle) but these doses are consistent and the system is very reliable. The way the Pumper squonks really is going to give great results with small welled bottom airflow RDA's that can have leaking issues because with this system you can micro manage the squonking much better than the usual press bottle method. The Pumper 18 will accommodate up to a 25mm RDA or RDTA with no overhang which is plenty big enough for the vast majority of RDA's and RDTA's available.

High-quality construction
Unique Colours
Stabilized Wood
Gorgeous looking
Ergonomic shape
Small portable size
Nice weight
High performance
Carved Asmodus logo makes fire button easy to find
One hand operation (right hand)
Fires instantly
Excellent pump siphon system
Can micro manage e-liquid better than press bottles
25mm atty's without overhang
Device can be switched off
Multiple safety protections with indication
Filling can be awkward and messy
Inner tube casing reduces 8ml claimed capacity
Power decreases with batteries voltage (Direct output device)
Can't use standard squonk bottles (Proprietary Pump System)

I would once again like to thank Saly from Asmodus for supplying the Pumper 18 Squonk Box Mod for the purpose of this review.

Asmodus, who brought us the loved by many Mimikin are an affordable High End manufacturer from America who produce mid to high end products without the crazy price tag. In this review i take a look at the Pumper 18 which is a squonk device and adaptation of 2 previously released devices. The Pumper 18 is a much more ergonomic version of the semi-mechanical Luna with the same chip providing numerous safety features. The Pumper also incorporates Asmodus' unique pump feed system, based on the Asmodus Spruzza's pump system SSS (smart siphon system). The Pumper 18 accommodates a single 18650 battery and is a gorgeous looking portable squonk device with each one due to the nature of stabilized wood being unique, Let's give it a look!
In The Box

1 x Asmodus Pumper 18 80W Squonk Box Mod
1 x User Manual

Aesthetics and Ergonomics
The Pumper 18 is packaged in a simple but nice looking flip open cardboard box with padded compartment for the gorgeous looking stab wood mod. The device i received had a small round Red sticker on the front of the box indicating the dominant colour is Red but the devices themselves are 1 of 1 numbered devices with each one being unique. The device has a 304 Stainless Steel plate top and bottom with the main body being natural (not polished or oiled) stabilized wood which looks like it was made from one solid block (very nice)! The device has very rounded sides and is as portable as any squonk device i have used, also being stabilised wood it's not too heavy so with battery and full squonk bottle it's a very comfortable weight in the hand. On the front we have the fire button which sits flush and has the Asmodus logo carved into it, also on the front to the opposite side towards the top is a little LED indicator light. On one edge we have an open slot which allows for the movement of the squonk lever and viewing the e-liquid level in the bottle, the distance between the fire button and squonk lever is quite close allowing for thumb firing leaving your index finger in a natural position to operate the lever. After saying that it is a right handed set-up so when switching to the left hand the process of firing and squonking is more awkward. On the base we have what looks like two of the old school unscrew-able caps, one actually being the base of your squonk bottle assembly, the other which has cutout sections for venting is for your battery instalment. Moving to the top, to one side we have a flush 510 plate with spring loaded BF 510 connector. The 304 Stainless Steel sections on my device are indeed coloured Silver but some devices come with Gold coloured plates. Most places this is available including from Asmodus themselves each one in stock is individually numbered and pictured so you can choose exactly which one really floats your boat. The Pumper 18 has a real high end look and feel to it but is a third of the price you might expect to normally have to pay.

Pumper 18 Specs and Features:
Minimum Resistance: 0.1ohm
Maximum Resistance: 3.0ohm
chipset: UL-80-JX
Max Output: 80W
Output Current: 27A
Standby Working Current: 50UA
Output Voltage Range: 3.3-4.2V
LED Light Indicator
Materials: Stabilized Wood, 304 Stainless Steel Construction
8ml Squonk Bottle - Proprietary Pump System
Circle Firing Mechanism - asMODus Logo
Bottom-Loaded Battery Cap
Negative Polarity
Work Overtime Protection
Overheat Protection
Atomizer Short Protection
Low Voltage Protection
Squonk-Ready Bottom-Feeding Section
510 Connection
Single 18650 High-Amp Battery - Not Included
Colours: 1 of 1 (unique)

This is a semi regulated vape device, by pushing the fire button you complete a circuit that directly runs power from your battery through the device and into your RDA. I do not advise under any circumstances for a semi regulated device to be used without a thorough knowledge and understanding of battery safety, battery output and Ohm's law.
Pumper 18 / 21
I am reviewing the Pumper 18 but Asmodus have also released the Pumper 21 which instead of accommodating an 18650 accommodates either a 21700 or 20700 battery. Those that prefer using 2x700 batteries obviously would be more interested in the Pumper 21 and others would quite correctly point out an 18650 adaptor could be used allowing the Pumper 21 to also accommodate an 18650. I must admit my choice would be the Pumper 21 but their are many vapers who don't like change when it comes to batteries and have no interest in using any other batteries than 18650's (i am not criticising this in the slightest, in fact quite understand their are many things in life i prefer to just stick to what i know and trust). Those that only use 18650 batteries with the Pumper 18 can take advantage of it's slightly smaller size, everyone's a winner!

Fitting Your Battery
The Pumper 18 has an old school style screw-in cap which both is the negative contact and keeps the battery in place. The cap has 2 cutouts one each side allowing for venting so simply get hold of the centre section and unscrew. These style caps are hated by some while others still love them, yes it takes some time to unscrew but they eliminate the possibility of damaging your wraps.

The Squonk Assembly
The Squonk Assembly is the same system as used on the Spruzza "the smart siphon system", i haven't used the Spruzza but i am led to believe the system has been modified on the Pumper. To remove the squonk system assembly on the base of the device we have what looks like an old school style screw cap but actually is spring loaded to the base of the bottle. The cap has two notches so you press the cap in which lines the notches up with a rail then just a quarter turn allows the whole assembly to be pulled free. On the top of the lid of the assembly their is a protruding pipe that fits through a cutout in the lever that attaches to the pipe inside the device so removing and installing the assembly is very quick and easy it is just a matter of removing as described and then just pushing in place when the bottle is filled. In a later section i will talk about how the system performs but my only issue with the system is around filling. To fill simply lift the lever up and pull the protruding top section which includes the protruding pipe already mentioned. The section that goes into the bottle is a tube with a large metal surround with just the end of the tubing protruding. This means their is a lot of surface area for e-liquid to cling to so when removing can be a bit messy, also when filling you need to judge leaving quite a bit of space in the bottle to allow for the volume this section takes up when inserting. Of course when you have filled the bottle 3 or 4 times you know exactly how much e-liquid to put in the bottle but during the trial and error period twice i had e-liquid everywhere. The last thing worth mentioning is the specs has the squonk bottle having a 8ml capacity but this is misleading as yes the bottle does hold that but this doesn't allow for the insertion of the tubing assembly so realistically you are looking at about 6.5ml, finally all metal parts on the assembly are 304 Stainless Steel.

Operating The Pumper 18
The Pumper 18 is a semi-mechanical squonk device which has a small PCB which gives the device plenty of safety features to allow a mech like experience while staying safe. The safety features include only allowing the device to fire when detecting resistances between 0.1ohm - 3.0ohm. Other safety protections include Negative Polarity Protection, Low Voltage Protection, Over-vape Protection (10 seconds) and Short Circuit Protection, all these protections if they kick in are indicated by various flashes in various colours of the LED. The device also has overheat protection so if the device goes over 85 degrees it will automatically shut down. The device can be turned on and off with 5 clicks of the fire button, when turning off the LED indicator lights Blue for 2 seconds to confirm and when turning on the indicator lights green for 2 seconds. As the device operates as a mechanical mod the wattage can't be adjusted, you simply press the fire button and vape. while the fire button is pressed the LED lights green and apart from the LED flashing Red and not firing when the battery get's below 3.3v (low voltage protection) there is no battery status indication. To squonk all you need to do is pull down the lever which injects a small dose of e-liquid through the BF connector into the base of your atomizer.

My Experience Using The Pumper 18
What a gorgeous device to both look at and handle, ergonomically for right hand vaping it's spot on. I am right handed but tend to vape using my left but i just naturally switched hands while using the Pumper and i think most vapers don't have issues with using the other hand if a particular device feels so much more natural to use that way. The fire button sits flush but the texture of the carved Asmodus logo makes it easy enough to find and it gives a nice click with a short travel. The device fires instantly and gives a great low to mid wattage vape but of course being direct output the power does weaken as the voltage on the battery drops. As for power output not sure if the 80W max the device is marketed at is because there is a safety cap feature on the chip or just that is all with a 0.1ohm build (lowest resistance the chip will allow) with fresh battery the device is capable of, i would imagine performance would be improved further with the Pumper 21 using a 21700 battery but i loved using the Pumper 18 which gave a fantastic vape. Apart from filling the bottle that could be a bit messy the squonk system works really well, the lever protrudes from the slot just enough for easy operation without over protruding. When squonking the system gives quick small doses of liquid (less than when pressing a bottle) but these doses are consistent and the system is very reliable. The way the Pumper squonks really is going to give great results with small welled bottom airflow RDA's that can have leaking issues because with this system you can micro manage the squonking much better than the usual press bottle method. The Pumper 18 will accommodate up to a 25mm RDA or RDTA with no overhang which is plenty big enough for the vast majority of RDA's and RDTA's available.

High-quality construction
Unique Colours
Stabilized Wood
Gorgeous looking
Ergonomic shape
Small portable size
Nice weight
High performance
Carved Asmodus logo makes fire button easy to find
One hand operation (right hand)
Fires instantly
Excellent pump siphon system
Can micro manage e-liquid better than press bottles
25mm atty's without overhang
Device can be switched off
Multiple safety protections with indication
Filling can be awkward and messy
Inner tube casing reduces 8ml claimed capacity
Power decreases with batteries voltage (Direct output device)
Can't use standard squonk bottles (Proprietary Pump System)

I would once again like to thank Saly from Asmodus for supplying the Pumper 18 Squonk Box Mod for the purpose of this review.