29 Oct. 2020
The SCHEER Committee (Scientific Committee on Health, Environmental and Emerging Risks) is an advisory body that was tasked with producing a scientific review of the health effects of e-cigarettes as part of the European Commission’s forthcoming review of the Tobacco Products Directive. The consultation period for this review has now closed.
BAT’s response highlights major flaws with the methodology and conclusions of the review including that it:
29 Oct. 2020
- BAT has published its response to an EU scientific e-cigarette review, highlighting serious inaccuracies.
- BAT demands that the scientific committee enhance the quality of its review which could affect millions of vapers in Europe.
- BAT calls for recognition of tobacco harm reduction potential of e-cigarettes to ensure effective regulations.
The SCHEER Committee (Scientific Committee on Health, Environmental and Emerging Risks) is an advisory body that was tasked with producing a scientific review of the health effects of e-cigarettes as part of the European Commission’s forthcoming review of the Tobacco Products Directive. The consultation period for this review has now closed.
BAT’s response highlights major flaws with the methodology and conclusions of the review including that it:
- Fails to contextualize the risks of e-cigarettes relative to those associated with continued smoking.
- Makes inaccurate claims regarding e-cigarettes many of which have been widely debunked by the scientific and public health communities.
- Contains false assumptions that e-cigarette aerosol is the same as tobacco smoke.
- Neglects landmark independent studies showing that many smokers view e-cigarettes as an acceptable alternative to smoking.
- Relies on data from non-EU markets and studies on products pre-dating the current Tobacco Products Directive that are not relevant to the current EU context.