Item: BM40 Boro Mod, Cartridge for BM40, Kayfun BB RBA
Age: Few Weeks
Price: R850
Payment Methods Accepted: EFT
Packaging: Yes
Authentic/Clone: Mod-Authentic, RBA-Clone
Condition: 9.5/10 (Mod) 9/10 (RBA)
Location: Alberton
Reason: Funds
Shipping: Either on buyer
(Includes 2 x Cartridge for BM40 0.40ohm, 0.60ohm and Kayfun BB RBA)
Age: Few Weeks
Price: R850
Payment Methods Accepted: EFT
Packaging: Yes
Authentic/Clone: Mod-Authentic, RBA-Clone
Condition: 9.5/10 (Mod) 9/10 (RBA)
Location: Alberton
Reason: Funds
Shipping: Either on buyer
(Includes 2 x Cartridge for BM40 0.40ohm, 0.60ohm and Kayfun BB RBA)