Bottom feeders in N.Z native timbers

@Alex do you perhaps know where is the firing switch on these beautiful woodies, surely the bottom round brass cap is for the battery?
@Alex do you perhaps know where is the firing switch on these beautiful woodies, surely the bottom round brass cap is for the battery?
It looks like it could be a SMPL style firing switch. I may be mistaken.

But it still looks stunning.
Oh wait. Confirmed. It is the smpl switch. It says smpl on it.
Damn.. those are pretty sexy... impressive..
Thanks for the info, but please explain "smpl" switch to this ignoramus?

Ignore my question, found the answer, that bottom brass/copper cap is indeed the switch, same as SMPL brand mechanical mod.
Ignore my question, found the answer, that bottom brass/copper cap is indeed the switch, same as SMPL brand mechanical mod.
Haha. Yeah sorry I meant the SMPL mech mod.
Wow those are gorgeous!
Interesting too - fan of the SMPL switch and the battery below the atty (rather than the juice bottle) makes some sense. And is that also a hybrid connection on a wooden box mode?
Very interesting indeed!