Cape Vape Fest

Milc e-Juice

New Vaper
Hi Guys,

We have limited pre sale stock available tomorrow at the Cape Vape fest.

If you are going, be sure to check out Mr Hardwicks stall for both his new God Milk release and pick up a Zoob.

Catch ya later!
Managed to snatch a bottle of this today, there were only 30ml bottles so I just took one to try, had a conversation in my head and thought naah if Mr. Hardwicks collaborated with you then you have to be an awesome mixer too so I decided to go back to get another but they were all gone

Excited to get home, rewick and try it out

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Yeah we had limited time and space, Also a delay on the boxes before the show. Next time you see them they will be in boxes as intended.
also all feedback is welcome.

Wow! oh wow! I nearly started chewing my tongue while vaping this juice, expecting the hard icing and the crunchy biscuit in my mouth... this juice is amazing. Tastes exactly like Zoo biscuits.
I was way too excited to rewick so I just dripped on "soiled" wick and this juice is already amazing, can only imagine how it's going to taste on a fresh wick..

well done man

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Wow! oh wow! I nearly started chewing my tongue while vaping this juice, expecting the hard icing and the crunchy biscuit in my mouth... this juice is amazing. Tastes exactly like Zoo biscuits.
I was way too excited to rewick so I just dripped on "soiled" wick and this juice is already amazing, can only imagine how it's going to taste on a fresh wick..

well done man

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So happy to hear the positive feedback man!!! Even happier that you enjoying it! damn these 30 ml bottles haha